fullcube / loopback-component-migrate

Migration framework for loopback
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A library to add simple database migration support to loopback projects.


Migrations that have been run will be stored in a table called 'Migrations'. The library will read the loopback datasources.json files based on the NODE_ENV environment variable just like loopback does. The usage is based on the node-db-migrate project.


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  1. Install in you loopback project:

    npm install --save loopback-component-migrate

  2. Create a component-config.json file in your server folder (if you don't already have one)

  3. Enable the component inside component-config.json.

    "loopback-component-migrate": {
      "key": "value"


Running Migrations

Migrations can be run by calling the static migrate method on the Migration model. If you do not specify a callback, a promise will be returned.

Run all pending migrations:

Migrate.migrate('up', function(err) {});

Run all pending migrations upto and including 0002-somechanges:

Migrate.migrate('up', '0002-somechanges', function(err) {});

Rollback all migrations:

Migrate.migrate('down', function(err) {});

Rollback migrations upto and including 0002-somechanges:

Migrate.migrate('down', '0002-somechanges', function(err) {});

Example migrations

module.exports = {
  up: function(app, next) {
    app.models.Users.create({ ... }, next);
  down: function(app, next) {
    app.models.Users.destroyAll({ ... }, next);
/* executing raw sql */
module.exports = {
  up: function(app, next) {
    app.dataSources.mysql.connector.query('CREATE TABLE `my_table` ...;', next);
  down: function(app, next) {
   app.dataSources.mysql.connector.query('DROP TABLE `my_table`;', next);