fullstack0017 / metamask-extension

🌐 πŸ”Œ The MetaMask browser extension enables browsing Ethereum blockchain enabled websites
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MetaMask Browser Extension

You can find the latest version of MetaMask on our official website. For help using MetaMask, visit our User Support Site.

For general questions, feature requests, or developer questions, visit our Community Forum.

MetaMask supports Firefox, Google Chrome, and Chromium-based browsers. We recommend using the latest available browser version.

For up to the minute news, follow our Twitter or Medium pages.

To learn how to develop MetaMask-compatible applications, visit our Developer Docs.

To learn how to contribute to the MetaMask project itself, visit our Internal Docs.

GitHub Codespaces quickstart

As an alternative to building on your local machine, there is a new option to get a development environment up and running in less than 5 minutes by using GitHub Codespaces. Please note that there is a Limited Free Monthly Quota, and after that GitHub will start charging you.

Note: You are billed for both time spent running, and for storage used

Open in GitHub Codespaces

  1. Start by clicking the button above
  2. A new browser tab will open with a remote version of Visual Studio Code (this will take a few minutes to load)
  3. A "Simple Browser" will open inside the browser with noVNC -- click Connect
    • Optional steps:
      • Click the button at the upper-right of the Simple Browser tab to open the noVNC window in its own tab
      • Open the noVNC sidebar on the left, click the gear icon, change the Scaling Mode to Remote Resizing
  4. Wait about 20 extra seconds on the first launch, for the scripts to finish
  5. Right-click on the noVNC desktop to launch Chrome or Firefox with MetaMask pre-installed
  6. Change some code, then run yarn start to build in dev mode
  7. After a minute or two, it will finish building, and you can see your changes in the noVNC desktop

Tips to keep your Codespaces usage lower

Codespaces on a fork

If you are not a MetaMask Internal Developer, or are otherwise developing on a fork, the default Infura key will be on the Free Plan and have very limited requests per second. If you want to use your own Infura key, follow the .metamaskrc and INFURA_PROJECT_ID instructions in the section Building on your local machine.

Building on your local machine

Git Hooks

To get quick feedback from our shared code quality fitness functions before committing the code, you can install our git hooks with Husky.

$ yarn githooks:install

You can read more about them in our testing documentation.

If you are using VS Code and are unable to make commits from the source control sidebar due to a "command not found" error, try these steps from the Husky docs.


Development builds

To start a development build (e.g. with logging and file watching) run yarn start.

React and Redux DevTools

To start the React DevTools, run yarn devtools:react with a development build installed in a browser. This will open in a separate window; no browser extension is required.

To start the Redux DevTools Extension:

Then run the command yarn devtools:redux with a development build installed in a browser. This will enable you to use the Redux DevTools extension to inspect MetaMask.

To create a development build and run both of these tools simultaneously, run yarn start:dev.

Test Dapp

This test site can be used to execute different user flows.

Running Unit Tests and Linting

Run unit tests and the linter with yarn test. To run just unit tests, run yarn test:unit.

You can run the linter by itself with yarn lint, and you can automatically fix some lint problems with yarn lint:fix. You can also run these two commands just on your local changes to save time with yarn lint:changed and yarn lint:changed:fix respectively.

For Jest debugging guide using Node.js, see docs/tests/jest.md.

Running E2E Tests

Our e2e test suite can be run on either Firefox or Chrome. Here's how to get started with e2e testing:

Preparing a Test Build

Before running e2e tests, ensure you've run yarn install to download dependencies. Next, you'll need a test build. You have 3 options:

  1. Use yarn download-builds:test to quickly download and unzip test builds for Chrome and Firefox into the ./dist/ folder. This method is fast and convenient for standard testing.
  2. Create a custom test build: for testing against different build types, use yarn build:test. This command allows you to generate test builds for various types, including:
    • yarn build:test for main build
    • yarn build:test:flask for flask build
    • yarn build:test:mmi for mmi build
    • yarn build:test:mv3 for mv3 build
  3. Start a test build with live changes: yarn start:test is particularly useful for development. It starts a test build that automatically recompiles application code upon changes. This option is ideal for iterative testing and development. This command also allows you to generate test builds for various types, including:
    • yarn start:test for main build
    • yarn start:test:flask for flask build
    • yarn start:test:mv3 for mv3 build

Note: The yarn start:test command (which initiates the testDev build type) has LavaMoat disabled for both the build system and the application, offering a streamlined testing experience during development. On the other hand, yarn build:test enables LavaMoat for enhanced security in both the build system and application, mirroring production environments more closely.

Running Tests

Once you have your test build ready, choose the browser for your e2e tests:

These scripts support additional options for debugging. Use --helpto see all available options.

Running a single e2e test

Single e2e tests can be run with yarn test:e2e:single test/e2e/tests/TEST_NAME.spec.js along with the options below.

  --browser           Set the browser to be used; specify 'chrome', 'firefox', 'all'
                      or leave unset to run on 'all' by default.
                                                          [string] [default: 'all']
  --debug             Run tests in debug mode, logging each driver interaction
                                                         [boolean] [default: true]
  --retries           Set how many times the test should be retried upon failure.
                                                              [number] [default: 0]
  --leave-running     Leaves the browser running after a test fails, along with
                      anything else that the test used (ganache, the test dapp,
                      etc.)                              [boolean] [default: false]
  --update-snapshot   Update E2E test snapshots
                                             [alias: -u] [boolean] [default: false]

For example, to run the account-details tests using Chrome, with debug logging and with the browser set to remain open upon failure, you would use: yarn test:e2e:single test/e2e/tests/account-menu/account-details.spec.js --browser=chrome --leave-running

Running e2e tests against specific feature flag

While developing new features, we often use feature flags. As we prepare to make these features generally available (GA), we remove the feature flags. Existing feature flags are listed in the .metamaskrc.dist file. To execute e2e tests with a particular feature flag enabled, it's necessary to first generate a test build with that feature flag activated. There are two ways to achieve this:

Once you've created a test build with the desired feature flag enabled, proceed to run your tests as usual. Your tests will now run against the version of the extension with the specific feature flag activated. For example: yarn test:e2e:single test/e2e/tests/account-menu/account-details.spec.js --browser=chrome

This approach ensures that your e2e tests accurately reflect the user experience for the upcoming GA features.

Running specific builds types e2e test

Different build types have different e2e tests sets. In order to run them look in the package.json file. You will find:

    "test:e2e:chrome:mmi": "SELENIUM_BROWSER=chrome node test/e2e/run-all.js --mmi",
    "test:e2e:chrome:snaps": "SELENIUM_BROWSER=chrome node test/e2e/run-all.js --snaps",
    "test:e2e:chrome:mv3": "ENABLE_MV3=true SELENIUM_BROWSER=chrome node test/e2e/run-all.js",

Note: Running MMI e2e tests

When running e2e on an MMI build you need to know that there are 2 separated set of tests:

Changing dependencies

Whenever you change dependencies (adding, removing, or updating, either in package.json or yarn.lock), there are various files that must be kept up-to-date.


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