fumiomatsuda / mfapy

A python toolbox for 13C metabolic flux analysis
MIT License
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mfapy: A Python toolbox for 13C-metabolic flux analysis

mfapy is a Python toolbox for 13C-metabolic flux analysis developed by Matsuda and Shimizu lab group in Osaka university, Japan.

mfapy supports:

  1. The elementary metabolite unit (EMU) framework developed by Antoniewicz et al 2007.
  2. Isotopically nonstationary 13C metabolic flux analysis (INST-MFA)
  3. Parallel labeling experiment without limitation of number of experiments.
  4. Metabolic flux, net metabolic flux of reversible reaction, and metabolite concentration could be considered as fitting parameters.
  5. G-value by introducing the "pseudo" reaction
  6. Goodness-of-fit analysis
  7. Parallel performing non-linear optimization jobs using joblib package.
  8. Automated model construction from model description file


Please check 'mfapy-document' repository. https://fumiomatsuda.github.io/mfapy-document/


This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.


Python 3.10 or later

mfapy requires the packages:

NumPy and SciPy (van der Walt, Colbert & Varoquaux, 2011)

nlopt https://nlopt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/


mkl-service (for Anaconda)

mfapy was developed and tested in 64 bit version of Miniconda and official python + pip distribution in Windows 11.

Uninstall Anaconda

  1. Clean up Anaconda files by anaconda-clean module
    >conda install anaconda-clean

    If you want to use Miniconda

  2. Install 64 bit version of Miniconda
  3. Please use "Anaconda prompt" as a terminal
  4. Create virtual environment such as named "mfapy" and install required packages
    > conda create -n mfapy 
    > conda activate mfapy
    > conda install -c conda-forge numpy scipy joblib nlopt mkl-service

    If you want to use Official Python environment

  5. Install 64 bit version of Python
  6. Please start terminal
  7. Please move to your project folder.
  8. Create virtual environment such as named "mfapy" and install required packages
    > python -m venv mfapy
    > mfapy\Scripts\activate
    > python -m pip install numpy scipy matplotlib nlopt joblib

    Install mfapy

  9. Download mfapy package from GitHub.
  10. Unzip the downloaded file and set as current folder
  11. Install mfapy
    > python -m pip install .


    > python -m unittest

How to use

./sample/Tutorial 1_13C-MFAEcoli.py explains how to use mfapy for 13C-MFA.

./sample/Tutorial 2_INST-MFAtoymodel.py explains how to use mfapy for INST-MFA.

./sample/Tutorial 3_mfapy_functions.py is a advanced exlanation on many mfapy function.

Detailed explanations are available from docstrings

In the ./sample folder, example python codes are also available.

Learn more https://fumiomatsuda.github.io/mfapy-document/

Version 054

19/06/28 class MetabolicModel: search_ci Grid search procedure is updated.

19/06/28 class MdvData: add_gaussian_noise "normalize" option is newly added.

19/07/01 optimize: def fit_r_mdv_deep add global optimization by "GN_CRS2_LM" before iteration

Version 055

19/12/27 Support Python 3.8

19/12/27 Example_1_toymodel_INST.py is updated to explain a method to construct time course mdv data from mdv files.

Version 057

20/7/12 initializing_Rm_fitting, fit_r_mdv_scipy, fit_r_mdv_nlopt in optimizaton: Expection is newly raised to avoid error in paralell processing.

20/7/13 joblib instead of pp is employed for paralell proceccing.

20/7/30 Format of model definition file was updated to support external with a backward compatibility.

20/7/30 load_metabolic_model_reactions in mfapyio: Support external id.

20/7/30 load_metabolic_model_metabolites in mfapyio: Support external id.

20/7/30 load_metabolic_model_reversibles in mfapyio: Support external id.

20/7/30 load_metabolic_model_fragments in mfapyio: Support external id.

20/7/30 External id data was added to Example_0_toymodel_model.txt,

20/7/30 External id data was added to Example_1_toymodel_model.txt.

20/7/30 External id data was added to Example_2_MCF7_taxol_model.txt.

20/7/30 show_results in metablicmodel: Output format was modified for more beautiful alignment.

20/7/30 show_results in metablicmodel: "checkrss" option was added to check RSS levels of each fragment and "fitting" reactions and metabolites.

20/8/19 Files for Example 6 (the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm reported in Scientific Reports volume 10, Article number: 286 (2020)) were newly included in sample folder.

20/8/19 mfapy.carbonsource.set_carbonsources method is newly developed for batch loading of labelling pattern information of carbon sources.

20/8/31 Files for Explanation 1 were newly included in sample folder to demonstrate the functions of mfapy.carbonsource.set_carbonsources

20/8/31 mfapy.metabolicmodel.show_results_in_map is newly developed to project flux data on the metabolic map (.GML) available in Vanted. Files of Example 2 were updated to generate "Example_2_cancer_map_mapped.gml" from a blank map "Example_2_cancer_map_new.gml".

Version 058

20/9/3 Files for Example 7 (the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm reported in Scientific Reports volume 10, Article number: 286 (2020)) were updated to reproduce MCF-7 example.

20/9/3 A bug in mfapy.metabolicmodel.calc_rss was fixed.

20/9/6 test_metabolicmodel.py was updated to support mfapy.metabolicmodel.generarate_flux_distribution => mfapy.metabolicmodel.generarate_state

Version 059

20/12/24 Model check functions were added to MetabolicModel.

21/1/9 Example files were totally reorganized.

21/1/9 Explanation 1 files were newly added to explain mfapy functions.

Version 060

21/2/26 Support Google docstring format.

21/2/26 'mfapy-document' repository was created. https://fumiomatsuda.github.io/mfapy-document/

Version 061

22/2/14 Limitation in the maximum EMU size was removed.

22/11/7 Bugs in MetabolicModel.show_results was fixed.

Version 062

24/3/4 DocString contents were updated.

24/3/4 "Tutorial 1_13C-MFAEcoli.py" was created to explain how to use mfapy for 13C-MFA.

24/3/4 "Tutorial 2_INST-MFAtoymodel.py" was created to explain how to use mfapy for INST-MFA.

24/3/4 "Tutorial_3_mfapy_functions.py" was created to explain many mfapy functions.

Version 063

24/9/6 Target environments are changed from Anaconda to Miniconda+conda-forge and Official python+pip.

If you want to learn more about setup.py files, check out `this repository https://github.com/fumiomatsuda/mfapy