funkybob / knights-templater

One more Python templating engine won't hurt, surely?
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link


One more Python templating engine won't hurt, surely?

This one translates templates into AST, and then into raw Python.

The syntax is reminiscent of Django's DTL, but within the tags it's almost raw Python.


Python 3.4+


Everyone loves a tainted benchmark, right?

I've forked to add knights-templates support.

Using Python 3.5.1 on Debian

Legend: msec : milliseconds per render rps : renders per second tcalls: total function calls funcs : distinct functions called

Performed on my i5-4200U laptop:

len(items) == 0

01-initial         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django             4708  21241     165     56
jinja2              872 114683      29     23
knights             309 324025      20      9
mako               2147  46570      48     36
tenjin              668 149752      34     23
tornado             929 107640      45     24
wheezy.template     143 697091      15      9

02-include         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            13309   7514     432     71
jinja2            12401   8064     201     54
knights             866 115519      43     17
mako               9006  11104     154     51
tenjin             2387  41886      99     29
tornado             951 105182      52     24
wheezy.template     296 337269      30     14

03-extends         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            22127   4519     685     88
jinja2            15609   6407     273     59
knights            1049  95298      57     20
mako              13611   7347     230     65
tenjin             3563  28067     130     37
tornado             993 100713      57     24
wheezy.template     527 189705      48     19

04-outer           msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            22180   4509     685     88
jinja2            15474   6462     273     59
knights            1053  94965      57     20
mako              14100   7092     233     65
tenjin             3523  28389     130     37
tornado             991 100932      57     24
wheezy.template     534 187185      48     19

len(items) == 10

01-initial         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            30390   3291    1171     61
jinja2             3350  29851     120     23
knights            2746  36417     143     14
mako               4040  24752     137     36
tenjin             2122  47115     103     23
tornado            3211  31139     236     24
wheezy.template     568 176015      74      9

02-include         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            39864   2509    1438     75
jinja2            15426   6482     292     54
knights            3276  30527     166     22
mako              10741   9310     243     51
tenjin             3871  25836     168     29
tornado            3272  30559     243     24
wheezy.template     731 136849      89     14

03-extends         msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            50971   1962    1691     92
jinja2            18643   5364     386     59
knights            3687  27122     229     25
mako              15925   6279     319     65
tenjin             5154  19402     199     37
tornado            3306  30252     248     24
wheezy.template     985 101494     107     19

04-outer           msec    rps  tcalls  funcs
django            62058   1611    2183     96
jinja2            20227   4944     427     59
knights            5453  18338     339     25
mako              17872   5595     382     65
tenjin             6154  16251     259     37
tornado            4859  20582     358     24
wheezy.template    1310  76312     137     19