furkanxny / ChatBox

A JavaFX application with ChatGPT
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ChatBox Application

[!IMPORTANT] Application Pictures

Login Screen Shot 2024-04-12 at 11 25 56 AM profileshop creditshop gpthome


This project is a ChatBox application developed using JavaFX and Maven. It utilizes the OpenAI API to integrate ChatGPT's conversational AI capabilities, providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with different profiles of ChatGPT.

Getting Started

[!TIP] These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/furkanxny/AIFX.git

Navigate into the project directory:

cd ChatBox

Dependencies This project relies on the following Maven dependencies:

JavaFX (for the user interface) OpenAI Java SDK (for integrating ChatGPT functionalities) Dependencies are managed in the pom.xml file. Ensure they are correctly listed and up to date.

License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Getting Help If you encounter any issues or have any questions about the application, please file an issue on GitHub.