furmada / PythonOS

A touchscreen interface, library, and app platform for Python and Raspberry Pi.
MIT License
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Python OS 6


This project is no longer being actively developed. Its successor project is Polaron, a more dynamic UI package useful for a wider array of applications.

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Python OS 6 is the ultimate interface for touch-enabled microcomputers such as the Raspberry Pi. It offers a complete interface replacement, an application management and distribution system, and a UI toolkit for creating event-driven apps in Python.

The stable version OS currently supports a 240x320 display, while the development version supports any screen size.

Key features include:

Donate to Python OS

Support the development of this platform by making a donation in any amount. You may choose to enter your name (or username) on the donation screen and it will be added to the About app. Thank you!

Get Started

As a User

Simply download Python OS either on your computer (with Python and Pygame installed), or flash the disk image for your Pi (coming soon).

As a Developer

Download and try out Python OS first.

Now, let's write a simple "Hello World" app.

Start by creating a folder titled "helloworld" under apps/.

In that folder, make two files, an __init__.py and an app.json.

The app.json file will contain:

    "name": "helloworld",
    "title": "Hello World",
    "author": "Your_Name",
    "version": 1.0,
    "more": {
        "onStart": "hello"

The __init__.py file will contain:

import pyos

def hello(state, app):
    app.ui.addChild(pyos.GUI.Text((5, 5), "Hello World!"))