fusion2004 / .dotfiles

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Mark Oleson's .dotfiles



If on macOS, sign in to the Mac App Store.

If on Ubuntu linux, install a few deps first:

sudo apt-get install build-essential procps curl file git libz-dev language-pack-en language-pack-en-base manpages libssl-dev
sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF8

Clone this repo into ~/.dotfiles, then run the bootstrap:


You should only need to run this script once per machine setup, unless you add more .symlink files


At the end of that script, it will prompt you to run the dependency installer:


This script should be run regularly, as it will also update dependencies.

Manual steps

There are a few manual steps you'll need to take as well:

  1. Visit git hosting providers and supply my ssh public key:

    1. Copy the key with: pubkey
    2. GitHub
    3. Gitlab
    4. Bitbucket
  2. Open Visual Studio Code and import settings following this guide

  3. Apps that need to be opened and setup so they automatically start on boot:

    • Muzzle
    • Alfred?
    • Docker?
    • Dropbox?
    • 1Password?
    • Karabiner-Elements?
  4. Install color themes

    1. Install Dracula Pro on

      1. Visual Studio Code
      2. iTerm2
      3. Slack
      4. Alfred
      5. bat

        mkdir -p "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
        cd "$(bat --config-dir)/themes"
        open .
        # copy the sublime themes here
        bat cache --build
  5. Install manual software:

    1. Focusrite Control for Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen
    2. Rust


To update all dependencies, just run dot on a regular basis.


dot can also be used to open this repository in your editor: dot -e