futurminds / n8n-self-hosting

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Self-Hosting SSL enabled N8N on a Linux Server

This guide provides step-by-step instructions to self-host n8n, a free and open-source workflow automation tool, on a Linux server using Docker, Nginx, and Certbot for SSL with a custom domain name.

Youtube Video Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Temh_Ddxp24

Step 1: Installing Docker

  1. Update the Package Index:

    sudo apt update
  2. Install Docker:

    sudo apt install docker.io
  3. Start Docker:

    sudo systemctl start docker
  4. Enable Docker to Start at Boot:

    sudo systemctl enable docker

Step 2: Starting n8n in Docker

Run the following command to start n8n in Docker. Replace your-domain.com with your actual domain name:

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -it \
--name n8n \
-p 5678:5678 \
-e N8N_HOST="your-domain.com" \
-e WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL="https://your-domain.com/" \
-e WEBHOOK_URL="https://your-domain.com/" \
-v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \

Or if you are using a subdomain, it should look like this:

sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -it \
--name n8n \
-p 5678:5678 \
-e N8N_HOST="subdomain.your-domain.com" \
-e WEBHOOK_TUNNEL_URL="https://subdomain.your-domain.com/" \
-e WEBHOOK_URL="https://subdomain.your-domain.com/" \
-v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \

This command does the following:

Step 3: Installing Nginx

Nginx is used as a reverse proxy to forward requests to n8n and handle SSL termination.

  1. Install Nginx:
    sudo apt install nginx

Step 4: Configuring Nginx

Configure Nginx to reverse proxy the n8n web interface:

  1. Create a New Nginx Configuration File:

    sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/n8n
  2. Paste the Following Configuration:

    server {
        listen 80;
        server_name your-domain.com;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://localhost:5678;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            chunked_transfer_encoding off;
            proxy_buffering off;
            proxy_cache off;

    Replace your-domain.com with your actual domain.

  3. Enable the Configuration:

    sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/n8n /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  4. Test the Nginx Configuration and Restart:

    sudo nginx -t
    sudo systemctl restart nginx

Step 5: Setting up SSL with Certbot

Certbot will obtain and install an SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt.

  1. Install Certbot and the Nginx Plugin:

    sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
  2. Obtain an SSL Certificate:

    sudo certbot --nginx -d your-domain.com

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the SSL setup. Once completed, n8n will be accessible securely over HTTPS at your-domain.com.

How to update n8n:

You can follow the instructions here to update the version: https://docs.n8n.io/hosting/installation/docker/#updating

Important: Take a backup of ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n To create a backup, you can copy ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n to your local or another directory on the same VM even before deleting the container. And then, after updating and spinning up a new container, if you see the data getting lost, you can replace ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n with the one you saved earlier.

Ensure that your n8n instance is using a persistent volume or a mapped directory for its data storage. This is crucial because the workflows, user accounts, and configurations are stored in the database file (typically database.sqlite), which should be located in a directory that remains intact even when the container is removed. In your docker-compose.yml, you should have something like this:

- ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n

This mapping ensures that the .n8n directory on your host machine is used for data storage, preserving your workflows and configurations across container updates.

When you stop and remove the n8n container, you are only deleting the container instance itself, not the data stored in the persistent volume. As long as the volume is correctly configured, your workflows and accounts should remain unaffected.

But to avoid any chance of data loss you should take a backup of ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n before removing the container.

Important Notes

Why Nginx and Certbot?

Nginx: It serves as a reverse proxy, forwarding client requests to n8n running on Docker. This setup enhances security, load balancing, and scalability.

Certbot: Certbot is a tool from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) that automates the process of obtaining and renewing SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt, a free and open Certificate Authority.

By using Nginx and Certbot, you ensure that your n8n instance is securely accessible over the internet with HTTPS.


If you encounter issues with Nginx, check the logs located at /var/log/nginx/error.log for more details. For Docker-related issues, ensure the Docker service is running: sudo systemctl status docker.