futursolo / stylist-rs

A CSS-in-Rust styling solution for WebAssembly Applications
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Use the portal API for rendering `<style>` elements #55

Closed WorldSEnder closed 2 years ago

WorldSEnder commented 2 years ago

Instead of mounting and unmounting the elements ourselves, I suppose it would make sense to use portals in yew to put them there.

A plan to address this is to slightly change the StyleManager api introducing a trait StyleHost that implements the behaviour of the manager, along the lines of

trait StyleHost: std::fmt::Debug {
    fn prefix(&self) -> Cow<'static, str>;
    fn get_registry(&self) -> Rc<RefCell<StyleRegistry>>;
    fn mount(&self, content: &StyleContent);
    fn unmount(&self, id: &StyleId);

The current impl of mounting elements by hand can be retained by putting it on the Builder or some other class, but the stylist::yew::ManagerProvider components would use an impl that renders the mounted elements (with a portal) to the place where they should be mounted at, e.g. something along the lines of

  <StyleHost target={target.or_else(document.head)}> // StyleHost creates the portal for its children
    { for mounted_styles }
  <ContextProvider<StyleManager> ...>
    { for props.children }

It might also make sense to have an InlineStyleHost that renders the style elements simple at the point in the DOM where it is mounted.

futursolo commented 2 years ago

Hmm, will this cause flash of unstyled content?

The current methods guarantees styles being inserted before content, so no need to worry about this.

But I think with portals, styles will be added after the content hence is possible to cause flash of unstyled content.

WorldSEnder commented 2 years ago

Portals should still render their content immediately, but I will take this into consideration in my PR.

futursolo commented 2 years ago

I think the flow is:

It may also degrade performance when the number of style tags is large as virtual dom now needs to diff every <style /> tag and its content every time a new style is added (VDiff::apply) where as current method just needs to append a style tag.

In addition, it seems like this also makes <ManagerProvider /> mandatory?

I personally do not see a big advantage of using portals, but if you still want to give it a go, feel free to do so, and I will see how it goes in the PR.

WorldSEnder commented 2 years ago

I've finally come around to benchmarking this, and it confirms what you've been worried about. The yew diff algorithm is a big hit to performance, hence I don't think it's worth going down this road further.

One thing that might be worth thinking about would be to have a StyleHost trait as mentioned in the first comment - but this could be done by popular demand and in a different issue.