futursolo / stylist-rs

A CSS-in-Rust styling solution for WebAssembly Applications
MIT License
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css rust wasm yew


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Stylist is a CSS-in-Rust styling solution for WebAssembly Applications.

This is a fork of css-in-rust.


Add the following to your Cargo.toml:

stylist = "0.13"


For detailed usage, please see documentation.

Yew Integration

To style your component, you can use styled_component attribute with css! macro.

use yew::prelude::*;
use stylist::yew::styled_component;

fn MyStyledComponent() -> Html {
    html! {<div class={css!("color: red;")}>{"Hello World!"}</div>}


To create a stylesheet, you can use style!:

use stylist::style;

let style = style!(
   // A CSS string literal
       background-color: red;

       .nested {
           background-color: blue;
           width: 100px
).expect("Failed to mount style");

// stylist-uSu9NZZu
println!("{}", style.get_class_name());

Runtime Style

If you want to parse a string into a style at runtime, you can use Style::new:

use stylist::Style;

let style_str = r#"
    background-color: red;

    .nested {
        background-color: blue;
        width: 100px

let style = Style::new(style_str).expect("Failed to create style");

// stylist-uSu9NZZu
println!("{}", style.get_class_name());


There's theming example using Yew Context API.