futursolo / stylist-rs

A CSS-in-Rust styling solution for WebAssembly Applications
MIT License
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Data URL encoding breaks css! #59

Open Madoshakalaka opened 2 years ago

Madoshakalaka commented 2 years ago

I was following this tutorial and noticed something in base64 breaks the macro at compile time.

This passes:

    content: '+';

This panics:

a[target="_blank"]::after {
  content: url();

Producing code

use yew::prelude::*;
use stylist::{

fn app() -> Html {
    let class = css!(r#"

            content: url();
            margin: 0 3px 0 5px;

    html! {
        <div {class}>
            <a target="_blank">{"link"}</a>


fn main() {
WorldSEnder commented 2 years ago

The parsing error is trigger not by the base 64, but by the semicolon after data:image/png;.... This is incorrectly recognized as the end of the attribute, instead of scanning for the closing bracket. As a work-around, the following is correctly parsed, note the url is now a string token. Haven't fully tested this across browsers.

    let class = css!(r#"
            content: url("");
            margin: 0 3px 0 5px;

url tokens are a special case in css syntax and are somewhat insane leftovers from long gone days of the early browser wars. Literally `url(any string not containing a closing parens)` is supposed to be accepted, instead of the much more sane `url("just write it as a string duh")`. This is only the case for the `url` function-token. No other token behaves that way. Sorry for not being able to literally copy-paste css :/
futursolo commented 2 years ago

The new parser should be coming relatively soon and should have a way to deal with url(...) a little bit better.

If there's a workaround that works at the moment, I think this issue can be solved with the new parser. (But if someone is interested in a PR, I will review it and publish a fix.)