fuzetsu / manga-loader

standardize manga reading experience across the web
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Manga Loader


I have decided to put this script on github in the hopes people start submitting their implementations for new sites to speed up the development.

A while back I put together a video to show off the basic procedure for creating an implementation for Manga Loader, if you are interested in adding a new site yourself, but do not know how, check out this video.

I do not have much time to work on this nowadays, but at the same time I do not want the project to be left behind, so let's see how this goes!


Simple. Lightweight. Fast.

Manga Loader allows loading of entire chapters from manga sites in a longstrip format (all images on one page).

Manga Loader tries to remove the bloat many other similar scripts have.

When visiting a page supporting Manga Loader, a button will appear with the text "Load Manga".
Click the button or press Ctrl+, on the keyboard to load the manga into the current page.

To automatically load the userscript whenever possible, enable autoload from the settings menu.

The script loads 10 images at a time (by default) and loads when scrolling.
To load all the images in the chapter at once, change the load num setting to the word "all".
To load a specific number of pages, change the load num setting to the preferred number.
Loading less pages at once is useful if experiencing broken images or browser slowdowns.

Manually reload a misbehaving image (loading unusually slow, or stuck loading half way) by clicking the small refresh icon in the bottom right info/toolbar, then click on the image.

Bookmarklet: To use the script as a bookmark, copy the following code and create a bookmark. Make sure the javascript: part of the code is still there after pasting, otherwise the bookmark function will not work. This method also works for using the script on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. javascript:(function(){BM_MODE=true;document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('script')).src='https://greasyfork.org/scripts/692-manga-loader/code/Manga%20Loader.user.js';}())

Using the script on mobile devices

This video demonstrates using the script on an Android phone, but Manga Loader should work on any mobile device including iPhones, iPads and other tablets/phones Mobile Bookmarklet Demo Video

Default Keybindings (configurable):

Z - previous chapter
X - exit
C - next chapter
W - scroll up
S - scroll down
+ - zoom in
- - zoom out
0 - reset zoom

NEW in v1.7.x: Settings panel

NEW in v1.8.x: Custom page loading and keybindings

NEW in v.1.10.x: CSS profiles

NEW in v1.11.x: Zooming

How to get to the menu options for this script

Click the gear icon at the bottom right of the screen while the script is active.


See a summary of changes for each new version of the script here.

Supported Sites



Pending Site Requests

Sites that people have requested implementations for that I haven't gotten around to adding yet and/or sites that I intend to add in the future.

Foolslide Site Requests