fwbrasil / activate

Abandoned: Pluggable persistence in Scala
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Retrying after a SQLException gives false results. #177

Closed avramirez closed 9 years ago

avramirez commented 9 years ago


What I did is,

  1. boot up my application. 2.Then turn off my mysql.
  2. Send a request to my webservice that would trigger a transaction. (Simple byId)

I am using:

 val storage = new PooledJdbcRelationalStorage {
 val jdbcDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"

This is my code for catching the exception and retrying.

class EntityManager(implicit val ctx: ActivateContext) extends Actor {

def receive ={
   case message =>  doAction(Find[SampleEntity]("ID1"),0 ,sender)

def doAction(a:Action,count:Int, sender:ActorRef):Unit ={
     a.eval onComplete{
       case Success(message) => 
         log.debug("SUCCESS " +message)
         message match{

            case Some(data) => sender ! data
            case None =>  sender ! Fail

       case Failure(exception) => 
         exception match{

           case e:JdbcStatementException =>
                 log.debug("FAIL" + e)
                 if(count >= 2){ sender ! Fail
               }else{  doAction(a,count + 1,sender) }

           case e:java.sql.SQLException => 
               log.debug("FAIL " + e)
               if(count >= 2){ sender ! Fail
               }else{  doAction(a,count + 1,sender) }


case class Find[E <: BaseEntity: Manifest](id: E#ID) extends Action {
    def eval(implicit ctx: ActivateContext, exec: ExecutionContext): Future[Option[EntityMap[E]]] = {
      import ctx._
      asyncTransactional {
        val entity = transactional { byId[E](id)}
        val map = transactional { entity.map(_.toMap) }


Here is the results (this is from my actual app name of package is changed)

2015-04-29 14:57:07,962 [DEBUG] c.o.m.managers.EntityManager ForkJoinPool-2-worker-5 -  FAIL java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: Timeout after 29999ms of waiting for a connection.

2015-04-29 14:57:07,985 [DEBUG] c.o.m.managers.EntityManager ForkJoinPool-2-worker-5 -  SUCCESS SampleEntity("ID1",null)

As you could see in the logs , after failing it tried that same transaction again. It succeded (MYSQL DB/SERVICE is down). The resulting entity that the retry find got is:


This id/entity entry doesn't even exist in my db.

This is the model of the Entity

SampleEntity(name:String) extends Entity


Temporary solution


But I am worried for multiple concurrent request that would try to reinitializeContext. I remember experiencing a exception when doing reinitializeContext alot of times.

Anyone know disadvantages of concurrent reinitializeContext