fwbrasil / activate

Abandoned: Pluggable persistence in Scala
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
299 stars 46 forks source link

Activate Persistence Framework


Activate splash

Documentation (index):


Activate is a framework to persist objects in Scala. It is a STM (Software Transactional Memory) durable, with pluggable persistence. Its core is the RadonSTM, which provides a powerful mechanism for controlling transactions in memory, analogous to the transactions of databases, to do optimistic concurrency control. The durability of transactions (persistence) is pluggable and can use persistence in different paradigms such as relational (JDBC), prevalence (Prevayler) and non-relational (MongoDB).


The main benefits of the framework are:


Use sbt 0.11.2 to build Activate. Use the command "eclipse" to generate the eclipse project. To run tests, you have to provide the databases instances for the contexts defined on the net.fwbrasil.activate.ActivateTest.contexts method of the activate-tests project.


The code is licensed under LGPL.