fxfactorial / ocaml-emoji

Emojis in OCaml, use them in your CLIs or whatever
27 stars 4 forks source link
cli cute emoji ocaml


Single OCaml file containing byte sequences for common emojis sourced from here

$ opam install emoji

You can see them by printing to the screen, ie: print_endline Emoji.man_facepalming

And using ocp-browser shows the emoji


First of all pin the package:

$ opam pin add emoji /path/to/local/checkout/of/emoji

To update the lib/emoji.ml this code is used. Don't forget to run before (re-)installing!

This simple sanity test lets you review your changes:

#require "emoji";;

let () =
  let ar = Emoji.all_emojis |> Array.of_list in
  for i = 0 to Array.length ar - 1 do
    if (i mod 80 = 0) then print_newline ();
    print_string ar.(i);

Which for me resulted in: