fxkr / weblabel

A web interface for label printers
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weblabel - A web interface for label printers



  1. Add the packagecloud.io/fxkr/weblabel repository and install weblabel via your package manager. Currently, Debian 8 (x86_64, armhf) and Fedora 25 (x86_64). Contact me if you need more.

  2. Install a tool like ptouch-print that takes a text to print on the command line. At the moment, you'll likely need to compile this yourself. This won't be necessary in the future.

  3. Copy /usr/share/weblabel/config.yml to /etc/weblabel/config.yml and edit appropriately. For ptouch-print, it could look like this:

    Address: ""
    PrintCommand: "/usr/bin/ptouch-print --image {}"
    StaticPath: "/usr/share/weblabel/static"
  4. (Re-)start and enable (if needed) weblabel:

    systemctl restart weblabel
    systemctl enable weblabel
  5. If you use a Brother 2430PC, make sure the switch is in the "E" (not "EL") position.


Note: the API is not stable yet.

Printing text:

curl 'http://localhost:8081/api/v1/printer/print' -H 'Accept: application/json' --data '{"document": {"text":"bar"}}'

Rendering a preview:

curl 'http://localhost:8081/api/v1/renderer/render' -H 'Accept: application/json' --data '{"document": {"text":"bar"}}'

Printing a PNG file:

curl 'http://localhost:8081/api/v1/printer/image' -H 'Accept: application/json' -F 'data={}' -F 'image=@label.png'


You'll need go for the backend and yarn for the frontend.

It's recommended to use a simple image viewer like feh to simulate printing.

The following sections show some useful commands.


Using a real labelprinter would get expensive fast. notify-send, which shows an OSD, provides a good alternative. Use port 8081 for the backend - the frontend dev server at port 8080 will proxy API requests to there.

Put this in config.yml:

Address: ""
PrintCommand: "feh {}"
StaticPath: ./static/dist/


export GOPATH="$(pwd)"

Fetching source code and dependencies:

go get github.com/fxkr/weblabel

Running directly:

go run cmd/weblabel/weblabel.go

Running tests:

go test ./...

Compiling a binary:

go build github.com/fxkr/weblabel/cmd/weblabel

Cross compiling for Raspberry Pi:

GOARM=6 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -v github.com/fxkr/weblabel/cmd/weblabel


cd static

Fetching dependencies:

yarn install

Running a dev webserver:

export PATH="$PATH:$(yarn bin)"