fxnn / gone

KISS wiki engine. Edits any text file. Written in Go.
MIT License
17 stars 5 forks source link
convention-over-configuration golang kiss markdown server wiki-engine


Gone is a wiki engine written in Go. It's

With Gone, you can

So go get it!

Build Status GoDoc Coverage Status


Assure that you have Go installed. Now, install the application via go get.

$ go get github.com/fxnn/gone

Binary releases will follow.


You can simply start Gone by calling its binary.

$ gone

The current working directory will now be served on port 8080.

See gone -help for usage information and configuration options.

Access Control

NOTE, that these features only apply to UNIX based OSs. Especially the Windows implementation currently does not support most of the access control features.

Gone uses the file system's access control features. Of course, the Gone process can't read or write files it doesn't have a permission to. For example, if the Gone process is run by user joe, it won't be able to read a file only user ann has read permission for (as with rw-------).

Likewise, an anonymous user being not logged in can't read or write files through Gone, except those who have world permissions. For example, a file rw-rw-r-- might be read by an anonymous user, but he won't be able to change that file. Also, in a directory rwxrwxr-x, only a user being logged in may create new files.

Users can login by appending ?login to the URL. The login information is configured in a good old .htpasswd file, placed in the working directory of the Gone process. Authenticated users can read and write all files that are readable resp. writeable by the Gone process.

Note that there's a brute force blocker. After each failed login attempt, the login request will be answered with an increasing delay of up to 10 seconds. The request delay is imposed per user, per IP address and globally. The global delay, however, grows ten times slower than the other delays.

Security considerations

Index documents, file names

Calling a directory, Gone will look for a file named index. Calling any file that does not exist (including index), Gone will try to look for files with a extension appended and use the first one in alphabetic order.

So, the file http://localhost:8080/test.md could also be referenced as http://localhost:8080/test, as long as no test file exists. In the same way, an index.md file can be used as index document and will fulfill the above requirements.

This mechanism is transparent to the user, no redirect will happen.


When you create files with the extension url and put a URL inside it, Gone will serve it as a temporary 302 redirect.


$ echo "https://github.com" > github.url

A call to http://localhost:8080/github will get you redirected to GitHub now.


Gone uses some Go templates for its UI. The templates are shipped inside the executable, but you can use custom versions of them. For general information on Go HTML templates, see the html/template godoc.

With your web root as working directory, invoke gone export-templates. It creates a new folder .templates which will never be delivered via HTTP. You'll find all templates inside and can modify them. If you (re)start Gone now, it will use the templates from that directory.

Note, that you can also supply a custom template path. See gone -help for more information.


Some day, Gone might be


If you want to modify sources in this project, you might find the following information helpful.

Third party software

Please note that the project uses the vendoring tool https://github.com/kardianos/govendor. Also, we use the standard go vendor folder, which means that all external projects are vendored and to be found in the vendor folder. A list of projects and versions is managed under vendor/vendor.json. If you build with go-1.5, enable the GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT flag.

Gone imports code from following projects:

Also, the following commands are used to build gone:

Gone's frontend wouldn't be anything without


               | main |
                |  | |
      +---------+  | +---------+
      v            v           v
  +-------+    +------+    +--------+
  | store |    | http |    | config |
  +-------+    +------+    +--------+
               /   |  \
     +--------+    |   +--------+
     v             v            v
+--------+    +--------+    +--------+
| viewer |    | editor |    | router |
+--------+    +--------+    +--------+

main just implements the startup logic and integrates all other top-level components. Depending on what config returns, a command is executed, which by default starts up the web server. From now on, we have to main parts.

On the one hand, there is the store that implements the whole storage. Currently, the only usable storage engine is the filesystem.

On the other hand, there is the http package that serves HTTP requests using different handlers. The router component directs each request to the matching handler. Handlers are implemented in the viewer and the editor package. While the editor serves the editing UI, the viewer is responsible for serving whatever file is requested.

Other noteable packages are as follows.

See the Godoc for more information.

License (MIT)

Licensed under the MIT License, see LICENSE file for more information.