This is a sample Android application using Scala and the SBT-Android plugin (version 0.7-SNAPSHOT)
This will install the latest plugin snapshot :
git clone
cd android-plugin; sbt publish-local
build.sbt -- Build configuration
project/plugins.sbt -- Plugin configuration
src/main/AndroidManifest.xml -- Android manifest
src/main/res -- Android resources
src/main/scala -- Scala code
Try running the project without any modification first, then read this.
If you get this :
ERROR: Asset package include '/android_sdk/sdk/platforms/android-16/android.jar' not found.
ERROR: Asset package include '/android_sdk/sdk/platforms/android-16/android.jar' not found.
java.lang.RuntimeException: error generating resources
Then change the platformName
setting in build.sbt
to the right version.
If you get errors like UnsupportedClassVersionError
or missing classes at runtime,
then you're most likely building for Java 7, which isn't supported at the moment.
I just sent a pull request with a commit to force the use of Java 6.