fxthomas / beets-badfiles

Corrupt/Missing file checker for the beets music library manger
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Adds a beet bad command to check for missing, and optionally corrupt files.


I haven't uploaded this plugin to PyPI, but you can install this by running pip on the repository itself:

sudo pip install .


Here is a very basic configuration that uses the default commands for MP3 and FLAC files, requiring the mp3val and flac packages to be installed:

  commands: {}
plugins: ... badfiles

Note that the mp3val checker is a bit verbose and can output a lot of "stream error" messages, even for files that play perfectly well. Generally if more than one stream error happens, or if a stream error happens in the middle of a file, this is a bad sign.

You can also add custom commands for a specific extension, e.g.:

    ogg: myoggchecker --opt1 --opt2
    flac: flac --test --warnings-as-errors --silent
plugins: ... badfiles


To run Badfiles, just use the beet bad command with Beets' usual query syntax.

For instance, this will run a check on all songs containing the word "wolf":

beet bad wolf

This one will run checks on a specific album:

beet bad album_id:1234

Here is an example from my library where the FLAC decoder was signaling a corrupt file:

beet bad title::^$
/tank/Music/__/00.flac: command exited with status 1
  00.flac: ERROR while decoding data
             state = FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_READ_FRAME