fziegner / tobac_realcase_testing

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Realcase Testing for Tobac

This is a tool for realcase testing of tobac developments.

For this, the tool:

It works by creating a Mamba environment and installing certain checkpoints of tobac that are then used to locally run example notebooks. The resulting .h5 and .nc files are then compared on a per variable/attribute basis. The comparison result is output to the terminal.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Make sure Mamba is installed


  1. Open the repository folder in your terminal
  2. Run python realcase_testing.py with your arguments


Example call: python ./realcase_testing.py -nb v1.5.2 -v1 1.5.2 -v2 v1.5.1 -s ./realcase_testing

Argument Function Possibilities
-nb, --notebook For specifying the checkpoint for the notebooks. You may use the current working directory, an absolute/relative path to a directory or a GitHub version or hash wd, ./examples, v1.5.2/1.5.2, 8f92d8030e9e402a1fc295bacfc703d9f6955498
-v1, --version1 First tobac version for comparison v1.5.2/1.5.2, v1.5.1/1.5.1, ...
-v2, --version2 Second tobac version for comparison v1.5.2/1.5.2, v1.5.1/1.5.1, ...
-v1u, --version1url URL of the git Repo that hosts version 1 https://github.com/tobac-project/tobac.git or any other fork
-v2u, --version1url URL of the git Repo that hosts version 2 https://github.com/tobac-project/tobac.git or any other fork
-s, --save The directory in which the environment and reference data should be saved. Either a directory in /tmp or a specified relative/absolute path tmp, ./realcase_testing
-na, --names For choosing specific notebooks to test [Example_OLR_Tracking_model, Example_Precip_Tracking]


Using Realcase Testing for Pull Requests

We consider a certain github pull request. This one: https://github.com/tobac-project/tobac/pull/386

In this PR, we have

At the current stage of the PR,

This may change as the PR evolves....

So, we select the following choices for options:

Hence, the combined call of the realcase testing utility is:

python ./realcase_testing.py \
    -nb 2fe56c08928208bdd5416fc4f3ee560a3329b8f9 \
    -v1 2fe56c08928208bdd5416fc4f3ee560a3329b8f9 \
    -v2 319d7a36ab1231594aac99b07a8e39c9c6e8ffe3 \
    -v2u https://github.com/w-k-jones/tobac.git \
    -s ./testing_PR386