g0v / archive-summit.g0v.tw

g0v summit 2016 website archive
16 stars 22 forks source link

summit.g0v.tw 2016


local setup

Install packages via $ npm install
Clone submodules via $ git submodule init && git submodule update
Then run $ npm start to see localhost:8080/2016/

git flow

You can use git-flow commands to create feature branches if you want. Set gh-pages to production relase branch which is usually master. And set 2016 to next release branch which is usually develop. For the rest, give them your preferences.

Static page generation

The following command builds the entire site within /dist directory, and generates static pages for SEO purpose.

$ npm run build

After this, you may:

$ npm run start:dist

And visit http://localhost:3474/2016 to see the compiled site in action.



MIT http://g0v.mit-license.org