g0v / grantdash

A quick & dirty fork a Hackdash for g0v Civic Tech Grant Submission and Public Review Process
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Grants Submission Dashboard based on HackDash

Quick Start

Update Power Page / Submodule Update


docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm -p 3000:3000 app

You might want to import the stub data to get started:

docker-compose run --rm mongodb mongoimport --host mongodb --db hackdash --collection dashboards --file /dev/stdin < ./data/dashboards.json


docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.prod.yml up --build -d

For setting up SSL, consider using [Docker letsencrypt nginx proxy companion]](https://github.com/JrCs/docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion).



See config/config.json.sample and key.json.sample.

Discourse Integration

Each submitted project will have discourse embedded if you configure discourseUrl. Make sure you have the correct embed settings in the discourse instance to have posts automatically created in the right category.

If you configure discourseSsoSecret, the GrantDash instance will provide sso user account for discourse. In discourse, configure the sso url to be *hackdash-instance.host*/api/v2/sso, and make sure the sso secret is the same for discourse and grantdash.



Based on HackDash (c) Dan Zajdband under The MIT License.