g0v / laweasyread

API for Taiwan Law
MIT License
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All APIs support JSONP so it can be called with callback parameter.

The date related fields in JSON are all ISO-8601 format (ex: 2013-03-31).


This API returns law information. Thq query shall be a full law name like 中華民國憲法. The return is a JSON with the following information:

    'isSuccess': boolean // This API call is success or not
    'reason': string // API fail reason. Not exist if isSuccess is true
    'law': { // Will not exist if isSuccess is false
        'name': [ // Name of law might be changed, so it is an array to record all its names.
                'name': string // Name of law
                'date': string // Start date of name
        'history': // Object within which keys are dates and values are what's done on that day
        'lyID': string // lyID is used in http://lis.ly.gov.tw/lgcgi/lglaw
        'PCode': string // PCode is used in http://law.moj.gov.tw/

/api/article (Ver 1)

This API returns article in law.

Require parameters:

Optional parameters:

Return JSON

    'isSuccess': boolean // This API call is success or not
    'ver': 1 // API version
    'reason': string // API fail reason. Not exist if isSuccess is true
    'article': { // Will not exist if isSuccess is false
        'name': string // Name of law requested
        'article': // Article of law requested
        'passed_date': string // Pass date in ISO-8601 format.
        'content': string // Article content. The leading two whitespaces are removed.


This API returns possible law names from query.

The following is return JSON:

    'isSuccess': boolean // This API call is success or not
    'reason': string // API fail reason. Not exist if isSuccess is true
    'suggestion': [ // Will not exist if IsSuccess is false
            'law': string // law name


Unit Test

Use the following command to run unit test for this package:

npm test

You can see console output for unit test result.

The coverage reports are also generated. For client side, the report is in coverage/<browser>/index.html. For server side, the report is in coverage/report.html.


The project uses Grunt to do the following tasks when source file changed:

In order to use this feature, you need to install grunt-cli with the following command:

npm install -g grunt-cli

After that, you can use the following command to monitor file changed:


Environment Variable


The LAWEASYREAD_COV is used to indicate that we are generating server side coverage report now. In this case, we need to require different source to do so. The coverage source is generated by jscoverage in test.js. The path of coverage code is lib-cov. To require correct lib or lib-cov, you need to require root directory, and then index.js in root directory will require the correct one for you.
