UPDATE: As of May 31, 2021, this project is currently on hiatus. We await seeing what is necessary as the Taiwanese government's central vaccination system comes online
大家好! 根據上個禮拜跟政府官員以及立委的討論,我認為我們應該暫時停工 vaxx.tw 的開發。政府現在正在開發中央統一預約系統。我們先等統一疫苗預約系統上線之後,再討論我們可以在那些方面繼續協助。政府的 1922 網站成功上線後,我將把 vaxx.tw 的名額查詢功能關掉,留下公費疫苗對象的翻譯。 這幾個禮拜,真的太感恩大家的共同合作。我們透過彼此的努力:
Hi everyone, After reflecting on our meeting between government officials on Saturday, I believe we should pause development on vaxx.tw. The government is currently developing a centralized reservation system. Let's wait on that going online before strategizing on our next steps. After 1922.gov.tw comes online, I will turn off the reservation component of vaxx.tw, leaving up the translations of the vaccine target groups. I am so grateful for everyone's work over the past few weeks. Through your hard work, we:
整理台灣所有自費接種疫苗的資料 Collecting all the information about self-paid vaccines in Taiwan.
Make sure you have pipenv installed.
pipenv install
yarn prepare
. This is for pre-commit command setup.yarn backend
. This starts the Python Flask server. yarn frontend
. This starts Parcel, our JS bundler. To make sure we're serving all of Taiwan it's imperative we translate to all the languages spoken here. I haven't settled on an i18n approach I'm happy with yet, but for now, to localize into a new language:
To add support for a locale once all strings have been localized, override the setLocale('en')
method call in Content.jsx and set it to whatever language code you used to localize.
Current priority languages:
Some principles this project operates under:
This project uses:
This is an app in three parts:
. It is executed by-the-minute by a cronjob. It takes the results and uploads them to a Redis server. backend/app.py
. This code runs on a DigitalOcean Droplet in Singapore. This droplet serves down the React app by reading the latest information from a Redis server and sending the data down. Note: Why separate the scraper from the droplet? Originally, I wanted to run everything on the droplet, but websites were blocking non-Taiwan IP addresses, so I was forced to find a scrape from Taiwan, which means a machine running on my family's network.
When you are developing locally, instead of reading from the Redis server, it makes sense to scrape the data directly. Tthe app.py
Flask server takes a --scrape
flag, which when set will scrape locally instead of reading from the Redis server.
as a tuple (see examples)yarn backend
and confirm that your code is correctSee here for an example of a Pull Request.
pipenv lock --pre --clear
to fix. I've aliased this to yarn fixpipenv
.We're chatting in the #vaccine channel of the g0v Slack. Come say hi! :)
g0v is Taiwan's polycentric civic tech community. We're a network of volunteers who build websites that serve the public good. Join us for our next Hackathon! You can find dates on the Jothon Team website.
If you were able to book a vaccine using this website, I'd love it if you'd consider throwing a couple bucks towards mutual aid or solidarity organizations in your area. Some ideas: