gWOLF3 / rscnn

A cnn framework on Android platform, implemented with RenderScript and java, support MobileNet-SSD and faster-rcnn. No JNI/C++ or thirdparty dependencies.
MIT License
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Render Script CNN for Android

This repo is a fork of chuanqi305's rscnn, a CNN framework based on RenderScript.

The purpose of this repo is to demonstrate an implementation for deploying prebuilt detection models from Caffe (using MobileNetv1 + SSD) onto an Android device.

What You'll Need

1) Android Studio w/ API 28

2) Caffe (w/ssd) :

3) Anaconda (Recomended)


  1. Download MobileNet-SSD model.
    git clone

You'll want to download the pretrained MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel and move it to MobileNet-SSD folder.

  1. Use script/ to convert the model to new format, do not forget to change the caffe root path in the converting script.
python script/ --model MobileNet-SSD/deploy.prototxt --weights MobileNet-SSD/MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel --savedir mobilenet-ssd
  1. Push the converted model files to src/main/assets folder of your project.
    cp -ar mobilenet-ssd demo/src/main/assets/
  2. Run this demo, and you can select a photo to see the object detection result.


See Wiki for more documentation details of additional errors you might run into and how to correct them.