ga-dc / wdi5-project4

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Project 4

Pièce de Résistance

Project 4... It's here. This is your opportunity to show employers what you're really made of. This project should be representative of you and your newly garnered skill set.

Hard Requirements


Ultimately, this project is for you and you alone. That being said, you should use this as an outlet to feature the different things you are capable of/want to highlight.

Don't forget, we're looking for evidence of comprehension of the material we've taught. So no matter which route you take, do your best work! Be sure to check out the rubric.


Here is a collection of past WDI projects -


You may work in pairs to complete this project. However, if you do, the standards for graduation will be raised: You may not receive any "does not meet expectations", and must receive at least one "exceeds expectations".

See here for the standards otherwise:


These will be updated throughout the next two weeks, so be sure to check for updated checkpoints

Tuesday HW (26 May)

SUBMIT a three-sentence, 30-second pitch of your project idea as an issue to THIS repo before 9:00 AM Wednesday.

Wednesday HW (27 May)

Thursday HW (28 May)

Create an ERD for your project. Incorporate all the models you expect to use, and also all the fields (columns) you expect each model to have.

This can be made on, drawn by hand, sketched on a whiteboard... However, a photo or screenshot of the completed ERD must be included in your project repo.

As an issue to THIS repo, submit a link to the image of the ERD within your repo's file system. (That is, the domain of the link should be, not or something.)

Presentations and Submissions

In place of doing science-fair-style or one-by-one presentations, you will prepare a short (3 -5 minute) presentation which you will record and upload to YouTube. We'll watch the presenations on Friday morning - with popcorn!

Hard Requirements

Your video must include:

Submitting your presentation is required for graduation. What does it mean to graduate?

Submission deadline: Thursday, June 4th, 11:00pm

"But instructors, I won't be done with my project by then!"

That's OK! The people viewing your video don't have to know that. Show off what does work!

Recording a video

You may use any video-recording mechanism you wish. QuickTime Player is in the Applications folder of your Mac. Notice that if you go to the "File" menu you can create a "New Screen Recording"! This collects audio as well; it's how instructors screencast lessons. You can then save the movie to your desktop and e-mail it.

If you're feeling really fancy, you can use iMove -- also in your Applications folder -- to doctor your movie. However, this is should be a priority far below actually completing your project -- having a swanky-looking video isn't on the rubric!

Alternatively, you can also create a video using YouTube's own built-in recorder, which also makes it easy to add basic effects, background music, and text to your videos. If you have a GMail account you also have a YouTube account. Just go to

How to submit

If you recorded your video on QuickTime, e -mail your completed video as an attachment to:

The subject of your e-mail will automatically become the title of your video. The body of your e-mail will automatically become the description of your video. (This is where you should include your e-mail address or contact information, links to your Heroku app and Github repo, and any other descriptive info.)

If you recorded your video on YouTube itself, include a link to your video as an issue on this repository.