ga-wdi-boston / full-stack-project

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Building A Full-Stack Application

This second project will be your first foray into building a full-stack application. You'll be building your first real back-end app, with a front-end to match, which means you'll learn about what it takes to build an API and use it.

At a high level, here are our goals for you in this project:

You will be working individually for this project, and you'll be designing the app yourself. Remember to keep things small – scope creep/feature creep is a huge potential pitfall for any project!


Your app must

Your app must not


Once (and only once) you've satisfied the core requirements, here are some additional goals that you can shoot for:


These are the things that consultants will be looking at, and giving you feedback on, after you've submitted your project.

Project Workflow


Overall Score

Your consultants will give you a total score on your project as an aggregate across all feedback categories:

Score Expectations
0 Does not meet expectations.
1 Meets expectactions, good job!
2 Exceeds expectations, you magnificent creature, you!

This will serve as a helpful overall gauge of whether you met the project goals. But more important than your overall score is your feedback, particularly in individual categories - this will help you identify where to focus your efforts for future projects.

Getting Started

Most importantly, remember to go slowly and be methodical. That means you should be testing your changes in-browser as you write each line or so of code. Always be committing. Deploy early and often.

Here's a rough sketch of what you should do and in what order:


Finally, here are some resources that it might be good for you to look at/read about:

Good luck and happy hacking!


  1. All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact