ga-wdi-boston / orientation

Instructions for students beginning General Assembly's WDI program in Boston
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Remove instructions to modify `/etc/paths` #182

Closed gaand closed 7 years ago

gaand commented 7 years ago

Changes in brew's requirements to operate successfully.

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

@gaand Do you have a link to what changed, or can you elaborate a bit more? Thanks.

raq929 commented 7 years ago

I think the upgrade to OSX Sierra rendered the path change unnecessary.

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

I believe this step is no longer necessary. (@gaand via #202)

True, no longer required for homebrew.

For Finder-launched applications, /etc/paths used to be the canonical way to set the correct PATH. This was particularly important in the early days of SublimeText. Here's the original reference I found to fix:

This issue arises because macOS handles its environment differently than BSD or Linux. They have a proprietary set of tools that aren't in *nix-like systems (like setenv, launchctl, and defaults). (As an aside, macOS also uses the /etc/paths file first and then loads anything in /etc/paths.d, which is initially empty.)

I also found a new, different fix, that may be more palatable to @gaand: edit the shell configuration files for macOS machines to use setenv instead of editing /etc/paths. Source:

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

As @raq929 noted in #202, Apple has made our changes the default:

It might still be a good idea to use launchctl setenv to set the PATH as a final step in the shell configuration file, since we make other slight changes to the PATH for the shell.

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

It might still be a good idea to use launchctl setenv to set the PATH as a final step in the shell configuration file, since we make other slight changes to the PATH for the shell.

I retract this statement.

scottyscripts commented 7 years ago

Moved to and closed on GHE