ga-wdi-boston / orientation

Instructions for students beginning General Assembly's WDI program in Boston
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Web Development Immersive Orientation

Welcome to Web Developement Immersive

We are super excited to have you as part of our flagship program here at General Assembly! This README will provide all the information you will need to be successfully oriented into the Web Development Immersive Program.

Before we get started

Please be sure that your computer is up-to-date with the most recent version of your operating system.


Please upgrade to the latest version of OS X, Sierra (10.12).

Windows or Linux

General Assembly no longer officially supports Windows or Linux in immersive programs. If you have a Windows or a Linux machine, you should contact your Immersive Producer. Instructors may provide support for these operating systems at their own discretion.

If you are on a Windows machine, you must set up your computer to dual-boot Linux Ubuntu before you can get started. Running a VM will not do!

Table of Contents


Orientation is a very packed, busy day for everyone involved! The day will begin promptly at 9:00am and will run until 5:00pm, and is split into two parts: Orientation and Install-fest.

Time Event
9:00am Opening and Team Introductions
9:15am Icebreakers
10:00am Alumni Panel
10:30am Break / Equipment Audit
10:40am Consultant Panel Q&A
11:15am Program Roadmap
11:30am Expectations & Policies
12:00pm Workspace Culture
12:15pm Campus Staff Introductions
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Operations Presentation
1:45pm Outcomes Presentation
2:00pm Installfest
5:00pm Wrap up and Celebration

Times and Events are subject to change

Consultant Team Introductions

Throughout the Web Development Immersive program, you will have a dedicated team of Consultants provide you with training, support and direction. During this portion of Orientation you can expect to learn:


During this portion of orientation, we will begin to break the 'ice' and get to know eachother a bit better!

Two Truth's and a Lie

Here's how to play:

Alumni Panel

Let's be honest, deciding to make the life changing decision to enroll in this full-time immersive program, most likely came with some questions and possible doubt. This portion of orientation will give you the opportunity to hear from alumni from past Web Development Immersive programs. You can expect to hear:

Example questions to ask:

Consultant Q&A

You just heard from various WDI alumni, now is your opportunity to ask the Consultant team questions you'd like answered. From each Consultant, you can expect to hear:

Here are some example questions you should ask:

Program Roadmap

Web Development Immersive is split into 4 main units. Below you'll find a high level breakdown of what you can expect in each unit:






Time of Day Event
9:00am - 9:30am Diagnostic
9:30am - 12:00pm Training Bloc
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm - 4:00pm Training/Workshop
4:00pm - 5:00pm 1-on-1 / Workshop
5:00pm - 10:00pm Practice/Study

Expectations & Policies

We take great pride in our Web Development Immersive program! A main reason why our program is so successful is due to very clear expectations and policies we have in place. You will find these below.

First and foremost, to be successful in this program, it is imperative that you understand what a Growth Mindset is and have one!

Growth Mindset Chart


Growth Mindset

MUST WATCH The power of belief: Mindset & Success

Please Note : The goal of the program is not to produce working code, working code is a by-product of the goal. The goal of the program is to learn how to create working code.






Late arrivals and Early departures


Successful Completion Requirements

Rewards for Successful Completion

Workspace Culture

Break into groups of three or four. In your group, discuss and outline your expectations of each other as colleagues. Then, we'll share what each group has discussed and record a social contract.

Most groups of developers come up with something like the following:

Staff Introductions

Majority of your experiences in the program workspace will have you interact with the consultants, production, outcomes and operations teams. However, there are additional departments working hard, behind the scenes, to ensure your experience along with that of future programs are the best they possibly can be.

This portion will allow you to meet some additional friendly faces that you will see around campus. This includes:


We want to ensure that you have the best experience possible during your time in WDI! One of the key components to ensure outstanding student experiences is our Operations team.

Who makes up our Operations team? Our Campus Commander and Front-Lines staff.

The Operations team is responsible for so many crucial parts of our campus and programs, that we cannot list them all, but here are several things you could go to them for:

Since we are in a co-working space called, WeWork, there are some additional amenities you'll have access to. But first, we should define what our relationship with WeWork looks like. We rent out our 4 workspace rooms from WeWork. What this means is that we do not own WeWork nor does WeWork own General Assembly! Here are area's that you'll have access to, but are not exclusive to General Assembly students or staff:

How do I get access to these amenities you might ask. You have to provide three pieces of information to our Campus Commander:

Once the Campus Commander has these three items FROM EVERYONE, access cards will be created and handed out. PLEASE NOTE No one will receive their access card until all information is collected!

We will be collecting these access cards on your final day of the program.


One of the most valuable resources and benefits from participating in an Immersive Program at General Assembly is our Outcomes Team. Upon successful completion of the Web Development Immersive Program, you will have access to this great resourse! During this segment, you will have a chance to hear from you Outcomes Producer and to get a high level snapshot of what you can expect for Outcomes throughout the course.

You will have much more information provided during your first Outcomes Programming session, so do not worry if every question you have is not answered during this segment!



  1. All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact