ga-wdi-boston / orientation

Instructions for students beginning General Assembly's WDI program in Boston
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Remove headings that say `<OS> ONLY` #245

Closed danman01 closed 7 years ago

danman01 commented 7 years ago

This is unclear at times due to Mac OSX / Linux Only header size and / or indenting of sections underneath the headers.

We could:

raq929 commented 7 years ago

We've considered the third option, and decided it doesn't make a whole lot of sense since a lot of the instructions are the same.

I like the idea of using symbols. 🐧 for linux? 😛
⛰ for mac? (That won't actually work, 'cause Sierra will go away.) Cleaning up the headers and indenting is also a good idea.

raq929 commented 7 years ago

Related to #147

MicFin commented 7 years ago

Another example, this large Linux ONLY heading is misleading since it includes steps for OSX and LINUX directly beneath it.

Linux ONLY

Rbenv on Linux depends on another library called libffi-dev. Download and install it with the following command.

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev
  1. Install Rbenv

    # OSX and LINUX
    brew install rbenv
  2. Configure rbenv to use the correct directories:

    atom ~/.bashrc and paste in the following code BEFORE the stuff you pasted in about Git.

    # OSX and LINUX
    # Rbenv
    if which rbenv > /dev/null; then
     eval "$(rbenv init -)"

jrhorn424 commented 7 years ago

If there are no more specific fixes mentioned, I'd like to close this issue. It is too unfocused. Individual confusions should be noted in separate issues.

Please remove headings that say <OS> ONLY since that information should be noted inside a fenced code block as a comment.

scottyscripts commented 7 years ago

Issue no longer relevant with new structure of installfest on GHE