ga-wdi-exercises / pbj-project3

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Project #3: Building Your Own API


While your last project taught you how to get started with Ruby, SQL, & Ruby on Rails, this project you'll be building something exciting with Express & Sequelize.

Your instructors will partner you with other classmates to architect, design, and collaboratively build an API of your own design.

This is meant to push you both technically and collaboratively. You will, almost certainly, be joining a development team during your career. Working collaboratively is a learned skill, just like programming. It's important to learn how to work together.

Pro Tips



Potential Project Ideas

For this project, work with your team to build a creative product that you actually think someone will want to use. We won't have time to do tons of customer research, but take some time to brainstorm. If you're struggling for ideas, the ones below could help get you started.

Besides finishing WDI, you surely have one or two things you'd love to do with your life. Let's get 'em on paper! You could integrate with a third-party location-based API to allow users to search for a location or venue to add to their bucket list items.

Survey App

Imagine sending out a survey to everyone in the class: what should we eat for lunch today? Or 1-5, how well did you understand what we just learned? It would be even more awesome if it were realtime, so you could see answers pouring in as they're submitted.

Hello, Comments

Imagine the benefits of having an API where you could embed comments into any website you want. They could even update in realtime if you wanted, so that you'd never have to refresh the page. CMS providers across the world could quit writing code from scratch and just embed your widget instead.

Evaluation and Submission

One member of the group must submit an issue on the pbj-project3-gallery repository by 12:30 pm, Friday, August 28th.

See the requirements for the contents of the submission here.

Feedback will be returned to you by 6:00 pm, Wednesday, September 2nd.

Note that instructors will not be grading on a numbered scale this time. Projects will simply be either "meets", "does not meet", or "exceeds expectations".


Attendance will be at 12:00pm on Friday. Groups are otherwise welcome to work outside of GA at their collective discretion.


Instructors will be checking Github issues to respond to technical questions.

Additionally, each group may request 20 minutes of in-person instructor support 3 times over the course of the project. These may be redeemed anytime during business hours: simply Slack the instructor and they'll come as quickly as possible. However, unused minutes don't "roll over".

For existential questions, and/or those regarding expectations, instructors may be reached via Slack at any time, inside and outside of business hours (although they may be somewhat slower to respond outside of business hours).

Useful Resources