ga-wdi-exercises / sweet-libs

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Haml #5

Closed silviascript closed 8 years ago

silviascript commented 8 years ago

Comfort Level: 4/5 Completeness: 5/5

If I had more time, I would have added more comments and instructions of how to convert your eRuby to Haml. Haml is love.

alexbannon commented 8 years ago

If forced to use haml for the rest of your life, what would you be missing out on, say from another markup language like ERB?

pdavies88 commented 8 years ago

do you feel like HAML would be quicker to use than basic html, it doesn't look like there is much difference other than taking out the tags and replacing them with %. how much does whitespace matter as compared to html where things can be placed oddly and still work?