ga-wdi-exercises / sweet-libs

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Sweet Libs

Today is an all-day structured exercise in developing the skill you're likely to use most in the Industry: teaching yourself something new.

By yourself or with one or more others of your choosing, please pick a useful library or technology we have not covered in class.


It's no secret that learning on your own is something you can do outside of GA. However, more often than not, you will be expected to learn things on your own in a vacuum. This is an exercise in learning to learn, rather than in learning a new technology. You'll get the greatest amount of value collaborating with someone else: note what they picked up and how.

Additionally, you'll have to do a fraction of the work: one person can work on the documentation, another can work on the example code, and so on.

That said, we left the groupings open-ended to provide an opportunity for those who really want some dedicated time to research a topic to do so at their leisure. But for the rest of you, grouping will provide a definite long-term advantage.

The only limitation to grouping is that a team can have a maximum of three people.

Build Something

Create an app that demonstrates your subject. It should...

Once you complete all the above requirements, you may go on to build something larger than 50 lines if you'd like.

Document It

Your repository must include a that answers the following questions regarding your subject. No need to write a book!

Also, please include the instructions necessary to...

Suggestions for Subjects

You may chose from but are not limited to following...


NO LATER THAN 3:30PM: Each team must submit a Git issue to the sweet-libs repository indicating...

NO LATER THAN 12:00PM: The issue must be updated to include...