ga4gh-beacon / beacon-elixir

Elixir Beacon Reference Implementation. Latest release is compliant with v1.1.0 of the specification.
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This implementation is compliant with version 1.1.0 of the specification.

Table of contents


Configure databases

Create databases

  1. Connect to the server:

    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres  

    Notice that:

    • If you want to use a different database name, user or your Postgres server is running in a different host or is listening to a different port, please, replace the values in the previous command.
    • You will need a user with enough permissions to create databases.

    These are the most common options used with the psql command:

    • -d: database name (depending on the command the database name will be specified with this option).
    • -h: hostname or IP of the machine where the Postgres server is running.
    • -p: port that the Postgres server is listening to.
    • -U: user name that will be used to connect to the database.
  2. Create two databases. Default names are:

    • elixir_beacon_dev: this is the main database which will be used by the application.
    • elixir_beacon_testing: this is a secondary database which will be used to run the tests.
      CREATE DATABASE elixir_beacon_dev;  
      CREATE DATABASE elixir_beacon_testing;  
  3. Create a user that will be used by the application to connect to the databases we just created:

    createuser -P microaccounts_dev  

    This command will prompt for the password of the new user. Remember this password as we will need it to configure the application.

  4. Log in each of the databases and grant privileges to the user just created:

    psql elixir_beacon_dev -U postgres  
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE elixir_beacon_dev TO microaccounts_dev;  
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE elixir_beacon_testing TO microaccounts_dev;  

    NOTE: You can skip this step and load the schema using a super user in the next step and, after that, grant privileges to a different user (this user will be used by the application to connect to the database).

  5. Download the schema (elixir_beacon_db_schema.sql) and load it in both databases:

    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d elixir_beacon_dev -U microaccounts_dev < elixir_beacon_db_schema.sql  
    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d elixir_beacon_testing -U microaccounts_dev < elixir_beacon_db_schema.sql  

    That script will create the tables and views and also load some essential data for data use conditions.

    Here you can find a diagram of this schema:

    Database schema diagram
    If you use a super user to create the schema, then you will need to grant access to the ordinary user that will be used by the application (e.g. microaccounts_dev):

    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d elixir_beacon_dev -U postgres  
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO microaccounts_dev;  

    Remember to run these lines in both databases.

  6. Load the function (elixir_beacon_function_summary_response.sql):

    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d elixir_beacon_dev -U microaccounts_dev < elixir_beacon_function.sql  
    psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d elixir_beacon_testing -U microaccounts_dev < elixir_beacon_function.sql  

Load the data

  1. Download the script to parse VCF files and give it executable rights:

    chmod +x  
  2. Run this script executing:

    ./ dataset_id file.vcf  

    This script will generate 3 output files:

    • List of variants: dataset_id_filename.variants.csv
    • List of samples: dataset_id_filename.samples.csv
    • Lisf of samples where each variant can be found: dataset_id_filename.variants.matching.samples.csv
  3. Load the dataset information into beacon_dataset_table:

    INSERT INTO beacon_dataset_table(id, stable_id, description, access_type, reference_genome, variant_cnt, call_cnt, sample_cnt)  
      VALUES (1, '1000genomes', 'Subset of variants of chromosomes 22 and Y from the 1000 genomes project', 'PUBLIC', 'GRCh37', 1, 1, 1);  

    Initialize the row setting variant_cnt, call_cnt and sample_cnt to 1. After loading the data, do some count and set the real values (see step 5).
    Remember to replace the values in the previous command with the correct ones.

  4. Load the variants into beacon_data_table:

    • Download 1_chrY_subset.variants.csv
    • Load data into beacon_data_table:
      cat 1_chrY_subset.variants.csv | psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U microaccounts_dev -c \
      "copy beacon_data_table (dataset_id,chromosome,start,variant_id,reference,alternate,\"end\","type",sv_length,variant_cnt,call_cnt,sample_cnt,frequency,matching_sample_cnt) from stdin using delimiters ';' csv header" elixir_beacon_dev

      NOTE: This command and the following ones should be executed only in the elixir_beacon_dev database. The testing database will be initialized with specific data when the tests are run.

  5. Load the samples into the database:

    • Download 1_chrY_subset.samples.csv
    • Load data into a temporary table, tmp_sample_table:
      cat 1_chrY_subset.samples.csv | psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U microaccounts_dev -c \
      "copy tmp_sample_table (sample_stable_id,dataset_id) from stdin using delimiters ';' csv header" elixir_beacon_dev
    • Run this query to fill the final table beacon_sample_table:
      INSERT INTO beacon_sample_table (stable_id)
      SELECT DISTINCT t.sample_stable_id
      FROM tmp_sample_table t
      LEFT JOIN beacon_sample_table sam ON sam.stable_id=t.sample_stable_id
    • Run this query to fill the final linking table beacon_dataset_sample_table:
      INSERT INTO beacon_dataset_sample_table (dataset_id, sample_id)
      select distinct AS dataset_id, AS sample_id
      from tmp_sample_table t
      inner join beacon_sample_table sam ON sam.stable_id=t.sample_stable_id
      inner join beacon_dataset_table dat ON
      LEFT JOIN beacon_dataset_sample_table dat_sam ON AND
    • You can now truncate the temporary table, tmp_sample_table:
      TRUNCATE TABLE tmp_sample_table;
  6. Load the samples where each variant can be found into the database:

    • Download 1_chrY_subset.variants.matching.samples.csv
    • Load into a temporary table, tmp_data_sample_table:
      cat 1_chrY_subset.variants.matching.samples.csv | psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U microaccounts_dev -c \
      "copy tmp_data_sample_table (dataset_id,chromosome,start,variant_id,reference,alternate,"type",sample_ids) from stdin using delimiters ';' csv header" elixir_beacon_dev
    • Run this query to fill the final linking table beacon_data_sample_table:
      INSERT INTO beacon_data_sample_table (data_id, sample_id)
      select data_sam_unnested.data_id, AS sample_id
      from (
          select as data_id, unnest(t.sample_ids) AS sample_stable_id
          from tmp_data_sample_table t
          inner join beacon_data_table dt ON dt.dataset_id=t.dataset_id and dt.chromosome=t.chromosome
              and dt.variant_id=t.variant_id and dt.reference=t.reference and dt.alternate=t.alternate
              and dt.start=t.start and dt.type=t.type 
      inner join beacon_sample_table s on s.stable_id=data_sam_unnested.sample_stable_id
      left join beacon_data_sample_table ds ON ds.data_id=data_sam_unnested.data_id and
      where ds.data_id is null;
      • You can now truncate the temporary table, tmp_data_sample_table:
        TRUNCATE TABLE tmp_data_sample_table;
  7. Update counts in beacon_dataset_table:

    • Get counts from database:

      SELECT dataset_id, COUNT(*) AS variant_count, SUM(call_cnt) AS call_count  
      FROM beacon_data_table  
      GROUP BY dataset_id;  
      SELECT, COUNT(dat_sam.sample_id) AS sample_count
      FROM beacon_dataset_table dat
      INNER JOIN beacon_dataset_sample_table dat_sam ON
      GROUP BY;
    • Update the dataset information:
      UPDATE beacon_dataset_table 
      SET variant_cnt=3119, call_cnt=8513330, sample_cnt=2504 
      WHERE id=1;  

Managing the code

Download the project

Clone the project located in the Elixir's repository.

git clone  

Switch to this release:

cd beacon-elixir
git checkout v1.1.0

Elixir Core

First of all, it is necessary to compile the code of the elixir_core project because it is a dependency of the main project, elixir_beacon.

cd elixir_core  
mvn clean compile jar:jar -Djar.finalName=elixir-core

This will generate the JAR file elixir-core.jar inside the /target folder.
Then run:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=target/elixir-core.jar

Now this dependency will be found when compiling the main project, elixir_beacon.

Elixir Beacon, the main project

Configuration files

The key files are:

(see Deploy JAR for more information about using profiles).

By default, the application is deployed at port 9075 and the context is /elixirbeacon/v1.1.0/. You can change this by modifying the following lines of the application-{profile}.properties file:


As explained at the beginning, the application uses two PostgreSQL databases named elixir_beacon_dev and elixir_beacon_testing.

datasource.elixirbeacon.password=PUT HERE YOUR PASSWORD  
datasource.elixirbeacon.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver = org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect  
  1. Specify the type of the database (postgresql), the host (default, localhost), port (default, 5432) and finally the database name (default, elixir_beacon_dev).
    • If you use MySQL: jdbc:mysql
  2. Username that will be used to connect to the database (default, microaccounts_dev).
  3. Password of this username.
  4. Driver class name
    • If you use MySQL: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  5. Set the Hibernate dialect.
    • If you use MySQL: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

If you use a different database than Postgres, you must add the corresponding library to the /lib folder inside the JAR (you don't need to recompile) or add the dependency to the pom.xml so maven can download the library (this will require to compile, see next step).

Compile and test the code

To compile the code run the following command within the project folder:

cd elixir_beacon  
mvn clean compile package"dev"  

That will also execute the tests. To skip them add -Dmaven.test.skip=true to the command.
NOTE: Tests use a different properties file located in /src/test/resources.

To only run the tests use:

mvn test"dev"  

NOTE: For running the tests you should use a different database than the main one (e.g. elixir_beacon_testing, see Create databases) because some testing data will be loaded and overwrite anything in this database.

If compilation and test execution are successful, a JAR file will be generated in the folder /target with the name elixir-beacon.jar.

Deploy the JAR

To deploy the JAR run run the following command within the elixir_beacon/target folder:

java -jar target/elixir-beacon.jar  

It will generate a log file in logs/application.log located in the same folder where the JAR has been deployed (e.g. elixir_beacon/logs but you can move the JAR file wherever you want and deploy it there).

This argument specifies the profile to be used. By default, there are 2 profiles: dev and test. Each profile will use its own set of properties files (e.g. dev profile uses and application-dev.yml).

Using the default configuration, the application will be available at: http://localhost:9075/elixirbeacon/v1.1.0/

Run integration tests

We use JMeter to run this kind of tests. We have an artifact called elixir-beacon-service-tests.
To download jmeter and run some basic tests, run the following command:

cd elixir_beacon_tests  
mvn -P local clean verify  

The -P local refers to a maven profile. These profiles can be found in the file pom.xml. The local profile uses this configuration for running the tests:

For other configurations please add a profile to pom.xml. You will see the results on the console.

Using the application

The application publishes two endpoints:

They are defined in the org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.ElixirBeaconController class.


Returns the information about this beacon: its Id, name and description, the API version it is compliant with, the URL where you can access this beacon, etc.

  "id": "elixir-demo-beacon",
  "name": "Elixir Demo Beacon",
  "apiVersion": "1.1.0",
  "organization": {
    "id": "EGA",
    "name": "European Genome-Phenome Archive (EGA)",
    "description": "The European Genome-phenome Archive (EGA) is a service for permanent archiving and sharing of all types of personally identifiable genetic and phenotypic data resulting from biomedical research projects.",
    "address": "",
    "welcomeUrl": "",
    "contactUrl": "",
    "logoUrl": "",
    "info": null
  "description": "This <a href=\"\">Beacon</a> is based on the GA4GH Beacon <a href=\"\"></a>",
  "version": "v1.1.0",
  "welcomeUrl": "",
  "alternativeUrl": "",
  "createDateTime": "2015-06-01T00:00.000Z",
  "updateDateTime": "2019-07-16T00:00.000Z",
  "datasets": [
      "id": "1000genomes",
      "name": null,
      "description": "Subset of variants of chromosomes 22 and Y from the 1000 genomes project",
      "assemblyId": "GRCh37",
      "createDateTime": null,
      "updateDateTime": null,
      "dataUseConditions": {
        "consentCodedataUse": {
          "primaryCategory": {
            "code": "NRES",
            "description": "No restrictions on data use.",
            "additionalConstraint": null
          "secondaryCategories": [],
          "requirements": [],
          "version": "v1.0"
      "version": null,
      "variantCount": 3119,
      "callCount": 8513330,
      "sampleCount": 2504,
      "externalUrl": null,
      "info": {
        "accessType": "PUBLIC",
        "authorized": "true"
  "sampleAlleleRequests": [
      "referenceName": "Y",
      "start": 2655179,
      "startMin": null,
      "startMax": null,
      "end": null,
      "endMin": null,
      "endMax": null,
      "referenceBases": "G",
      "alternateBases": "A",
      "variantType": null,
      "assemblyId": "GRCh37",
      "datasetIds": null,
      "includeDatasetResponses": null,
      "mateName": null
      "referenceName": "21",
      "start": null,
      "startMin": 45039444,
      "startMax": 45039445,
      "end": null,
      "endMin": 45084561,
      "endMax": 45084562,
      "referenceBases": "T",
      "alternateBases": null,
      "variantType": null,
      "assemblyId": "GRCh37",
      "datasetIds": [
      "includeDatasetResponses": null,
      "mateName": null
      "referenceName": "21",
      "start": 15399042,
      "startMin": null,
      "startMax": null,
      "end": 15419114,
      "endMin": null,
      "endMax": null,
      "referenceBases": "G",
      "alternateBases": null,
      "variantType": null,
      "assemblyId": "GRCh37",
      "datasetIds": [
      "includeDatasetResponses": null,
      "mateName": null
  "info": {
    "size": "3122"

The 3 examples that appear in field sampleAlleleRequests can be customized by modifying the following properties in /src/main/resources/application-{profile}.yml:

#sample #1  
  assemblyId1: GRCh37  
  start1: 2655179  
  referenceName1: Y  
  referenceBases1: G  
  alternateBases1: A  
#sample #2  
  assemblyId2: GRCh37  
  startMin2: 45039444  
  startMax2: 45039445  
  endMin2: 45084561  
  endMax2: 45084562  
  referenceName2: 21  
  referenceBases2: T  
  variantType2: DUP  
  datasetIds2: 1000genomes  
#sample #3   
 assemblyId3: GRCh37  
  start3: 15399042  
  end3: 15419114  
  referenceName3: 21  
  referenceBases3: G  
  variantType3: DEL  
  datasetIds3: 1000genomes


To actually ask the beacon for questions like "do you have any genomes with an 'A' at position 100,735 on chromosome 3?" And the answer will be yes or no with some extra information (e.g. variantCount, callCount and sampleCount).

Parameters (required in bold):


  "beaconId" : "elixir-demo-beacon",
  "exists" : true,
  "error" : null,
  "alleleRequest" : {
    "referenceName" : "Y",
    "start" : 2655179,
    "startMin" : null,
    "startMax" : null,
    "end" : null,
    "endMin" : null,
    "endMax" : null,
    "referenceBases" : "G",
    "alternateBases" : "A",
    "variantType" : null,
    "assemblyId" : "GRCh37",
    "datasetIds" : null,
    "includeDatasetResponses" : "NONE",
    "mateName" : null
  "apiVersion" : "1.1.0",
  "datasetAlleleResponses" : null,
  "beaconHandover" : null,
  "info" : null

Or you can ask for the information in a specific dataset. Example of querying a duplication with fuzzy match: http://localhost:9075/elixirbeacon/v1.1.0/beacon/query?variantType=DUP&referenceName=21&startMin=45039444&startMax=45039445&endMin=45084561&endMax=45084562&referenceBases=T&assemblyId=GRCh37&includeDatasetResponses=ALL

  "beaconId" : "elixir-demo-beacon",
  "exists" : true,
  "error" : null,
  "alleleRequest" : {
    "referenceName" : "21",
    "start" : null,
    "startMin" : 45039444,
    "startMax" : 45039445,
    "end" : null,
    "endMin" : 45084561,
    "endMax" : 45084562,
    "referenceBases" : "T",
    "alternateBases" : null,
    "variantType" : "DUP",
    "assemblyId" : "GRCh37",
    "datasetIds" : null,
    "includeDatasetResponses" : "ALL",
    "mateName" : null
  "apiVersion" : "1.1.0",
  "datasetAlleleResponses" : [ {
    "datasetId" : "1000genomes",
    "exists" : true,
    "error" : null,
    "frequency" : 0.000199681,
    "variantCount" : 1,
    "callCount" : 5008,
    "sampleCount" : 1,
    "note" : "OK",
    "externalUrl" : null,
    "info" : null,
    "datasetHandover" : [ {
      "handoverType" : {
        "id" : "CUSTOM",
        "label" : "Download data"
      "note" : "Download page of the 1000 genomes project",
      "url" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "beaconHandover" : null,
  "info" : null

This is an example of querying a deletion with exact match:

  "beaconId" : "elixir-demo-beacon",
  "exists" : true,
  "error" : null,
  "alleleRequest" : {
    "referenceName" : "21",
    "start" : 15399042,
    "startMin" : null,
    "startMax" : null,
    "end" : 15419114,
    "endMin" : null,
    "endMax" : null,
    "referenceBases" : "T",
    "alternateBases" : null,
    "variantType" : "DEL",
    "assemblyId" : "GRCh37",
    "datasetIds" : null,
    "includeDatasetResponses" : "ALL",
    "mateName" : null
  "apiVersion" : "1.1.0",
  "datasetAlleleResponses" : [ {
    "datasetId" : "1000genomes",
    "exists" : true,
    "error" : null,
    "frequency" : 0.000798722,
    "variantCount" : 4,
    "callCount" : 10016,
    "sampleCount" : 2,
    "note" : "OK",
    "externalUrl" : null,
    "info" : null,
    "datasetHandover" : [ {
      "handoverType" : {
        "id" : "CUSTOM",
        "label" : "Download data"
      "note" : "Download page of the 1000 genomes project",
      "url" : ""
    } ]
  } ],
  "beaconHandover" : null,
  "info" : null

The datasetHandover field can be customized by modifying the following properties in /src/main/resources/application-{profile}.yml:

    - stableId: 1000genomes
      id: CUSTOM
      label: Download data
      note: Download page of the 1000 genomes project

You can also add more dataset handovers by adding more objects to this list. E.g.

    - stableId: 1000genomes
      id: CUSTOM
      label: Download data
      note: Download page of the 1000 genomes project
    - stableId: 1000genomes
      id: CUSTOM
      label: The preferred label
      url: http://some_url
      note: Some description

Go to the specification for more details about the handover structure.

Further information

Project structure

The project has the following structure:

Extend/Change functionality

There are two options:

  1. Editing the source code.
    • If you want to add new functionalities (i. e. new endpoints).
  2. Changing the implementation class
    • To change the way something is done (i. e. you want to modify the query, to check some requirements in the parameters, etc.).

Option 2

This application uses Spring framework. Specifically we use Spring boot v1.5.4.
You can write your own implementation of the interface ElixirBeaconService. The following steps will allow you to build and use a custom implementation:

  1. Create a new maven project:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
    <project xmlns=""  
               <version>put version here, i.e: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>  
    1. After this, create the package org.ega_archive.custom.elixirbeacon (by default, our app will scan this package to try to find candidates for our services) If you want to use a different package name, you must cusomize your application properties name and add the property:  
    2. Inside that folder create a services package and write your custom implementation
      package org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.service;  

    import org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.dto.Beacon;
    import org.ega_archive.elixirbeacon.dto.BeaconAlleleResponse;
    import org.ega_archive.elixircore.helper.CommonQuery;
    import org.springframework.context.annotation.Primary;
    import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
    import java.util.List;

    @Primary //This will make that this implementation will be used instead of the default one
    public class CustomService implements ElixirBeaconService {

    @Override public Beacon listDatasets(CommonQuery commonQuery, String referenceGenome) throws NotFoundException //TODO: Write here your custom code
    return null;

    @Override public BeaconAlleleResponse queryBeacon(List datasetStableIds, String variantType, String alternateBases, String referenceBases, String chromosome, Integer start, Integer startMin, Integer startMax, Integer end, Integer endMin, Integer endMax, String referenceGenome, String includeDatasetResponses) {
    //TODO: Write here your custom code
    return null;

    @Override public List checkParams(BeaconAlleleResponse result, List datasetStableIds, VariantType type, String alternateBases, String referenceBases, String chromosome, Integer start, Integer startMin, Integer startMax, Integer end, Integer endMin, Integer endMax, String referenceGenome) {
    //TODO: Write here your custom code
    return null;

    @Override public BeaconAlleleResponse queryBeacon(BeaconRequest request) { //TODO: Write here your custom code
    return null; }


    4. Compile your code:  

    mvn clean compile jar:jar

    This will generate a new JAR: `elixir-beacon-custom-version.jar`.  
    If you get an error of the depency not found, it is because you don't have a repo with the dependency artifact. In this case, you can go to the elixir-beacon aritfact and execute:  

    mvn install:install-file -Dfile=/path_to_project_folder/elixir-beacon-custom-version.jar -DgroupId=org.ega_archive -DartifactId=elixir-beacon-custom -Dversion=version -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true

    This will install the artifact in your local repo. After that try to compile again your custom code.  
  1. Execute the program with your code:
    • First create an empty folder an copy there the original elixir jar (elixir-beacon-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
    • Then create a /lib folder and put the elixir-beacon-custom-version.jar file in that folder
    • After that you can deploy the app running:
      java -Dloader.path=lib/ -jar elixir-beacon-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar 

      Notes of v1.1.0

    • Fusions (mateName) are not supported