gaak99 / oxly

oxly auto-merges Dropbox file revisions with a git-like cli
MIT License
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click dropbox-api emacs orgmode orgzly python


oxly uses the Dropbox API to auto-merge Dropbox file revisions with a git-like cli.

Though much of this README is geared toward Orgzly/Emacs usage many of the features can be used for general Dropbox revision groking.

You can edit and save the same file simultaneously on two Dropbox clients -- usually Emacs/laptop and Orgzly/mobile -- and then later run oxly on laptop to view/diff/merge/push revisions.

oxly is most useful when you try to Orgzly Sync and it fails with the following error message

Both local and remote notebook have been modified.

The oxly merge cmd uses diff3(1) and will try to auto-merge. If it can't auto-merge all hunks the conflicts can be resolved by hand with the Emacs ediff-merge-with-ancestor cmd (nice UI) or $EDITOR diff3-output (not so nice UI).

My use case is two Dropbox clients (Emacs/Unix, Ogzly/Android) so more/other clients not tested but maybe can be done carefully and two at a time. Also see Caveats/Gotchas below.


Used dailyish by the developer (w/2 Dropbox clients, Emacs laptop and Orgzly mobile) but that's total usage asfaik -- more users are welcome -- any bug/issue/suggestion/question post it at

You probably want to try master HEAD before fetching a release.

oxly does no Deletes via Dropbox API and all edits/merges are saved as a new revision, so should be low risk to give it a try. And note if a mismerge is saved you can easily revert to the revision you want, see Caveats/Gotchas below.

Update April 2018

It's been over a year since any big changes so seems pretty solid at least for my usage -- when I'm in note-taking-mode I use it almost daily and works good. My only complaint is diff3 seems to not auto-merge as frequently as I hoped. But I've gotten good at emacs ediff to resolve conflicts so not a big problem.


Every time you edit/save or copy over an existing file (citation needed) a new revision is quietly made by Dropbox. And Dropbox will save them for 1 month (free) or 1 year (paid). And as a long time casual Dropbox user this was news to me recently.

And my fave org-mode mobile app Orgzly supports Dropbox but not git(1) (yet) so I needed a way to merge notes that are modified on both laptop and mobile.

And if you squint hard enough Dropbox's auto-versioning looks like lightweight commits and maybe we can simulate a (limited) DVCS here enough to be useful.

Theory of operation

On Dropbox we keep a small&simple filename=content_hash kv db called the ancdb. The content_hash is the official Dropbox one.

oxly clone/merge/push will (pseudocode):

    # fpath is file path being merged
    fa = dropbox_download(revs[latest])       # latest from Orgzly
    fb = dropbox_download(revs[latest_rev-1]) # latest from Emacs
    fanc = dropbox_download(ancdb_get(fpath))
    rt = diff3 -m fa fanc fb #> fout
    if rt == 0: # no conflicts
    elseif rt == 1:
        # hand edit fout or 3-way ediff
    ancdb_set(fpath); dropbox_upload(ancdb)

Merge Flow

  1. On Orgzly (when regular Sync fails) select Force Save.

  2. On laptop run oxmerge (wrapper around oxly). If auto-merge aka diff3(1) does not resolve all conflicts, resolve them by hand.

  3. On Orgzly run Sync.

Oxly Usage

$ oxly --help
$ oxly sub-cmd --help

Quick Start

One time

git clone
export SUDO=sudo           # set for your env
cd oxly && $SUDO python install
export MYBIN=/usr/local/bin # set for your env
$SUDO cp oxly/scripts/ $MYBIN/oxmerge
$SUDO chmod 755 $MYBIN/oxmerge

Create a Dropbox API app (w/full access to files and types) from Dropbox app console <> and generate an access token for yourself.

And add it to ~/.oxlyconfig. Note no quotes needed around $token.


One time per file

  1. Make sure Orgzly has a clean Sync of file.

  2. Run oxly cmds to init file in the ancestor db on laptop something like this:

    $ mkdir /tmp/myoxlyrepo ;  cd /tmp/myoxlyrepo
    $ oxly clone --init-ancdb dropbox://orgzly/
  3. Make edits and save same file as needed on Emacs and Orgzly like usual.

As needed (dailyish)

Save same file/note on Emacs and Orgzly

  1. Save file shared via Dropbox on laptop/Emacs (~/Dropbox) as needed.

  2. On mobile/Orgzly save (locally) the same note as needed.

  3. When ready to sync/merge, on Orgzly select Sync notes on Orgzly main menu.

  4. If the sync fails and the Orgzly error msg says it's modified both local and remote -- this is the case we need oxly -- then Force Save (long press on note) on Orgzly.

    The forced save is safe cuz the prev edits will be saved by Dropbox as seperate revisions.

    But once you do this don't make any more changes (via Emacs/Orgzly/etc) to the file as it may cause problems with the merge. See section Caveats/Gotchas below.

Merge revisions

Now the 2 most recent revisions -- one each from Emacs and Orgzly -- in Dropbox are ready to be merged with oxly:

  1. Run oxly cmds via oxmerge script on laptop something like this:

    $ cd /tmp/myoxlyrepo 
    $ oxmerge dropbox://orgzly/

2a. If oxmerge finished with no conflicts -- YAAAY -- goto step 3 below.

2b. If oxmerge finished with conflicts -- BOOOO -- choose one of the options output to resolve the conflict(s).

  1. Finally on Orgzly select Sync (Force Load not necessary) to load merged/latest revision from Dropbox. This should be done before any other changes are saved to Dropbox.

Congrats your file is merged.

oxmerge example run

oxmerge dropbox://orgzly/ 
oxly, version 0.9.21
Cloning dropbox://orgzly/ into /tmp/oxnotes ...
Moving/saving old /tmp/oxnotes/.oxly/.tmp to /tmp/oxnotes/.oxly/.old/oxlytmp.10636 ... done.
Downloading metadata of 100 latest revisions on Dropbox ... done.
Checking 2 latest revisions in Dropbox...
    downloading rev 33880446decd data ... done.
    downloading rev 33870446decd data ... done.
Checking ancestor db ... already downloaded.
Checking ancestor rev data ...
    downloading rev 33670446decd data ... done.
Viewing metadata latest 2 revisions (cached locally) ...
33880446decd    26242   2017-04-24 01:54:16 EDT-0400    427013b2
33870446decd    28816   2017-04-24 01:50:32 EDT-0400    b97299f0
Viewing metadata least latest 2 revisions (cached locally) ...
32cf0446decd    20509   2017-04-19 11:41:03 EDT-0400    bcba0f1d
32ce0446decd    20504   2017-04-19 11:38:50 EDT-0400    4591b454
Merging latest 2 revisions data ...
No conflicts found. File fully merged locally in orgzly/
Pushing merged revision data ...
Uploading staged orgzly/ to Dropbox as /orgzly/ ... done.
Uploading ancestor db orgzly/_oxly_ancestor_pickledb.json to Dropbox ... done.

Please select Sync (regular, Forced not necessary) note on Orgzly now.
It should be done before any other changes are saved to this file on Dropbox/Emacs/Orgzly.


Using oxly

oxly cmds log (--oneline is nice), diff, and cat are handy to view a revision metadata/data
Tips for a clean -- no conflicts are a wonderful thang -- merge
Network partitions while running oxmerge or clone/push
Push of merged data succeeds but ancdb_push fails

Using ediff

;; don't start another frame
;; this is done by default in preluse
(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
;; put windows side by side
(setq ediff-split-window-function (quote split-window-horizontally))
;; revert windows on exit - needs winner mode
(add-hook 'ediff-after-quit-hook-internal 'winner-undo)
(add-hook 'ediff-prepare-buffer-hook #'show-all)


No data file or ancdb file locking

One oxmerge url at a time
No edits to a data file while running oxmerge (or oxly clone-->push)

Developed/tested on MacOS and Linux so non-Unix-like systems may be trouble


ancdb problems

File key/hash not found

If the file/hash key not found in ancdb or hash seems incorrect you can't do usual merge but we can 2-way merge2and reset the file/hash key:

# Note this assumes last Orgzly/Orgzly versions are current/current-1 revs in Dropbox.
# If not, see `log` cmd and use --rev `merge2` options.
$ oxly clone dropbox://orgzly/ # get latest ancdb
$ oxly merge2 orgzly/ # merge by hand w/emacsclient
$ oxly push --add orgzly/ # will reset ancdb

or if you don't need to merge now but want to reset ancdb for this file:

$ oxly clone --init-ancdb  dropbox://orgzly/ # get latest ancdb

Revert revision as fallback

Revert revision using oxly
$ oxly clone dropbox://orgzly/
$ oxly log --oneline orgzly/ #find rev needed
# oxly cat and diff handy here
$ oxly cat --rev $rev orgzly/ > orgzly/
$ oxly push --no-dry-run --add orgzly/
# view/check it
$ oxly clone dropbox://orgzly/
$ oxly cat orgzly/
Revert revision on

Network partitions while running oxmerge or clone/push

Push of merged data succeeds but ancdb_push fails


Tests for developers

$ export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/pypath
$ mkdir /tmp/pypath && python develop --install-dir /tmp/pypath

# If you bumpup the version of dev pkg and have a prev version installed globally,
# you will probably have to uninstall global version to test dev version.
$ oxly --version
oxly, version 0.10.10
$ sudo python -m pip uninstall oxly
$ /tmp/pypath/oxly --version
oxly, version 0.10.11

# note valid Dropbox auth token needed in ~/.oxlyconfig
$ PATH=/tmp/pypath:$PATH bash oxly/tests/


License (for everything here except

MIT. See LICENSE file for full text.




Copyright (c) 2016 Glenn Barry (gmail: gaak99)



The hackers behind Dropbox, Orgzly, emacs/org-mode/ediff, Python/Click, git/github/git-remote-dropbox, and others I'm probably forgetting.

Future work


More tests

Next level sh*t