gabdst / TurbulenceFlux.jl

A Julia package for high resolution flux estimation
MIT License
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A julia package for high resolution turbulence analysis and flux estimation given flux tower measurements of wind speeds and concentrations.


We give below a quick usage guide. For more details, a notebook is available under nb/ with a link to download data samples.

using TurbulenceFlux
# Assuming u,v,w the three wind speed components (m/s),
# P (Pa) and T (K) pressure and temperature signals,
# C (umol/mol) the CO2 concentration

work_dim=length(u) # size of signals
fs=20 # Sampling frequency
ref_dist=10 # Distance of reference (m), e.g. tower flux height - displacement height

# Defining time decomposition parameters
Δt=60*fs # 1min time sampling corresponding to a 1min time flux
σ=10*60*fs/kernel_dim # 10min averaging length 
# Gaussian averaging kernel 
kernel_dim = work_dim # max time support
time_params = (
    kernel_type = :gaussian, # Gaussian type kernel
    kernel_params = [4*Δt/kernel_dim], # Ratio of max time support.
    Δt,       # 1min time sampling

# Defining scale decomposition parameters
wave_dim = work_dim
scale_params = (
    β = 2, # First wavelet shape parameter
    γ = 3, # Second wavelet shape parameter
    J = floor(Int,log2(wave_dim)), # Number of octaves
    Q = 4, # Number of inter-octaves
    fmin = 2*fs/(wave_dim), # Minimum frequency peak
    fmax = fs/2, # Maximum Frequency peak
    fs = fs,
    wave_dim, # max time support

# Prepare density and mean wind amplitude 
# (for simplicity here using the previous time-decomposition)
mean_wind = compute_wind_amplitude([u v w],time_params)
density = compute_density(P,T,time_params)

# time and normalized frequency coordinates
to_eta(i_t,j_ξ) = log10((ref_dist*freq_peak[j_ξ])/mean_wind[i_t]); # ∼ log(ref_dist/eddy_dim)
S = (length(time_sampling),length(freq_peak)) # Dimension
CI = CartesianIndices(S)
t = map(c->time_h[time_sampling[c[1]]],CI) # get the time values
eta = map(c->to_eta(c[1],c[2]),CI)

# time-frequency decomposition of CO2 flux
decomp_CO2 = decomp_CO2 .* density # Convert to flux units

# Computation of the amplitude of Reynold's tensor vertical component τ_w
_,_,τ_w = amplitude_reynolds_w(u,v,w,time_params_turbu,scale_params)

# Turbulence extraction based on the laplacian of log(τ_w)
(masks,Δτ,itp) = turbu_extract_laplacian(t,eta,log10.(τ_w),δ_Δτ=1,δ_τ=1e-3)

# Scale integration of the flux given the turbulence mask

F_CO2 # CO2 flux