gabehollombe-aws / step-functions-workshop

Intro to Service Coordination with AWS Step Functions
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Intro to Step Functions Workshop

Building the workshop static site with Hugo

1. Install Hugo:

On a mac:

brew install hugo

On Linux:

2. Clone this repo:

git clone this repo onto your workstation

3. Install node packages:

cd website npm install

4. Run Hugo locally:

cd website && npm run server

5. View Hugo locally:

Visit http://localhost:1313/ to see the site.

6. Making Edits:

In order to create the nice copy-to-clipboard and 'click to view diff' features, we're using a strategy of pre-processing markdown files to generate source content that is then read by Hugo.

  1. Start the hugo server using the step above
  2. Edit files in website/source_content
  3. cd website/scripts
  4. npm run build
  5. Check for updated content in the browser.
  6. Repeat steps 1-4 until you're happy with the content.

note: shift-reload may be necessary in your browser to reflect the latest changes.