gabriel-russo / Leaflet.BetterFileLayer

The definitive plugin to load your spatialized files into leaflet.
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kml leaflet leaflet-control leaflet-plugin shapefile


Load your spatialized files into Leaflet the way it should be.

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This is a Leaflet plugin for loading your spatialized data into leaflet based on leaflet-omnivore and Leaflet.FileLayer plugins. This plugin was made looking for a convenient and easy to use plugin for loading external spatial files to leaflet.

It currently supports:


npm install leaflet-better-filelayer


Checkout the Demo

Below gif show an example of loading a separated shapefile using drag and drop.

Note: The plugin only looks for .shp, .dbf, .shx, .prj with the same name.



As map option:

const map ='map', { betterFileLayerControl: true })

Or like any control



For more detailed docs, please check the wiki


// The Options object
options = {
  position: 'topleft', // Leaflet control position
  fileSizeLimit: 1024, // File size limit in kb (default: 1024 kb)
  style: () => {}, // Overwrite the default BFL GeoJSON style function
  onEachFeature: () => {}, // Overwrite the default BFL GeoJSON onEachFeature function
  layer: L.customLayer, // If you want a custom layer to be used (must be a GeoJSON class inheritance)
  // Restrict accepted file formats (default: .gpx, .kml, .kmz, .geojson, .json, .csv, .topojson, .wkt, .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf, .zip)
  formats:['.geojson', '.kml', '.gpx'],
  importOptions: { // Some file types may have import options, for now, just csv is documented
    csv: {
      delimiter: ';',
      latfield: 'LAT',
      lonfield: 'LONG',
  text: { // If you need translate
    title: "Import a layer", // Plugin Button Text


Event Name Data Description
bfl:layerloaded { layer: L.Layer } Event fired when the data is sucessfuly loaded on map. It returns the layer reference
bfl:layerloaderror { layer: string } Event fired when the loader fails to load your file. It returns the name of the file
bfl:filenotsupported { layer: string } Event fired when the loader does not support the file type of your file. It returns the name of the file
bfl:layerisempty { layer: string } Event fired when the layer haven't any features. It returns the name of the file
bfl:filesizelimit { layer: string } Event fired when the file's size exceeds the file size limit (fileSizeLimit option). It returns the name of the file

Custom html button

If you are developing a web application and you want to use your own html button outside the map container, you can use the following code:

// Note: The button have to be type "file"
// Example: <input type="file" accept=".gpx,.kml,.geojson,.json" multiple />
const options = {
  button: document.getElementById('my-button'), // Your button HTML reference

const control = L.Control.betterFileLayer(options)

After that, the plugin will bind an "on change" event on this button, waiting for files.

You can see the example here

Note: The Drag and Drop event listener will bind it self automatically


Install the development dependencies

npm install --save-dev

Start the webpack watch to compile and save at dist/ after any change

npm run dev

Open index.html in your browser and start editing


To run unity tests:

npm run test



See License for more details