This is a complete rewrite of the old, which was a complete rewrite of the old water.
See here for documentation.
✓ 11-12-2014: Add updates screen
✓ 11-13-2014: Add html linting messages to line gutters.
✓ 11-13-2014: Add css linting messages to line gutters.
✓ 11-22-2014: Add js mode
✓ 11-22-2014: Add js linting messages to line gutters.
✓ 11-22-2014: Validate js code before sending to output screen.
✓ 12-1-2014: Add ability to save current gist as gist.
✓ 12-7-2014: Saving an existing gist should try to update it, not create a new one.
✓ 12-8-2014: Give menu items a solid background.
✓ 12-8-2014: Add a 'file:new' menu item.
MIT © Gabriel Florit