gabrielshufelt / Real-Ratings-SOEN-341_Project_F24

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Real Ratings' Peer Assessment System is a simple and user-friendly app for students working on team projects. It lets students anonymously rate their teammates based on crtierias like cooperation, contributions, and work ethic, giving everyone a chance to provide honest feedback.


Real Ratings' PAS makes team evaluations easy and encourages fair feedback for everyone involved!

Team Members


Windows Installation

  1. Install the latest version of Ruby with the DevKit from here.
  2. After installation is complete, make sure to check "Launch MSYS2"
  3. Once the terminal opens, install all components by pressing Enter.
  4. Once everything has been installed, press enter to close the MSYS2 terminal.
  5. Download Precompiled Binaries for Windows, both and from here.
  6. Extract both of these and place the contents of both these folders into a new folder at C:/sqlite.
  7. Next, edit your PATH System environment variable and add 'C:/sqlite/' to it.
  8. Download and Install Node.js from NodeJS' prebuilt's installers.
  9. In a new terminal, make sure npm was installed correctly:
    $ npm --version 
  10. Next, in new terminal install yarn:
    npm install --global yarn
  11. Make sure it was installed by opening a new terminal and typing:
    $ yarn --version
  12. Next, in a new terminal install rails:
    gem install rails
  13. Make sure it was installed correctly by typing:
    $ rails --version
    Rails 7.1.4

Getting Started