gadenbuie / epoxy

Extra-strength glue engines for R Markdown, Quarto, and Shiny
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Stickers? #119

Open RaymondBalise opened 10 months ago

RaymondBalise commented 10 months ago

Will there be epoxy stickers given out at Posit::Conf this year? If not, can I commission some to be printed for me and my students?

gadenbuie commented 10 months ago

Oh man 😞 I briefly looked into getting some stickers printed but I was too late (and couldn't find a good printer that isn't Sticker Mule). Sorry! But if I do get them printed I'll be happy to send you some 📬 😄

RaymondBalise commented 10 months ago

Cool. If you do print some please do let me know. I know sticker mule is not cheep. I can give you some cash for a pile if you are at Conf.