gadenbuie / epoxy

Extra-strength glue engines for R Markdown, Quarto, and Shiny
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glue knitr knitr-engine quarto r rmarkdown rmd shiny template

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extra-strength glue for scripts, reports, and apps.

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epoxy is super glue

In R Markdown and Quarto reports

Use epoxy chunks for extra-strength inline syntax. Just library(epoxy) in your R Markdown or Quarto document to get started. All epoxy chunks make it easy to transform values in place with a {cli}-inspired inline syntax described in ?epoxy_transform_inline.

In R scripts

The same functions that power epoxy chunks are availble in three flavors:

These functions are accompanied by a robust system for chained glue-transformers powered by epoxy_transform().

In Shiny apps

ui_epoxy_html() makes it easy to update text or HTML dynamically, anywhere in your Shiny app’s UI. For more complicated situations, ui_epoxy_mustache() lets you turn any Shiny UI into a template that leverages the Mustache templating language.

epoxy in R Markdown and Quarto documents

In R Markdown and Quarto documents, epoxy gives you an epoxy chunk where you can write in markdown, blending prose and data using glue’s template syntax.

Here’s an example using a small list containing data about a movie (expand the section below to see the full code for movie). We can use the inline transformer to format the replacement text as we build up a description from this data.

Movie data ``` r movie <- list( year = 1989, title = "Back to the Future Part II", budget = 4e+07, domgross = 118450002, imdb_rating = 7.8, actors = c( "Michael J. Fox", "Christopher Lloyd", "Lea Thompson", "Thomas F. Wilson" ), runtime = 108L ) ```
The movie {.emph {.titlecase movie$title}}
was released in {.strong movie$year}.
It earned {.dollar movie$domgross}
with a budget of {.dollar movie$budget},
and it features movie stars
{.and movie$actors}.

The movie *Back to the Future Part II* was released in **1989**. It
earned \$118,450,002 with a budget of \$40,000,000, and it features
movie stars Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, and Thomas
F. Wilson.

Learn more about `epoxy` chunks – and its siblings `epoxy_html` and
`epoxy_latex` – in [Getting
Started]( Or
read more about epoxy’s inline formatting in `?epoxy_transform_inline`.

## Installation

You can install epoxy from CRAN:

``` r

You can install the latest development version of epoxy with remotes

# install.packages("remotes")

or from

options(repos = c(
  gadenbuie = "",




Loading epoxy adds four new knitr engines, or chunk types. Each type lets you intermix text with R code or data (expr in the table below), and each is geared toward a different output context.

Engine Output Context Delimiter
epoxy all-purpose markdown {expr}
epoxy_html HTML {{expr}}
epoxy_latex LaTeX <<expr>>
whisker all-purpose mustache template language

⚠️ Caution: Previously, epoxy provided a glue engine, but this conflicts with a similar chunk engine by the glue package. You can update existing documents to use the epoxy engine, or you can explicitly use epoxy’s glue chunk by including the following in your setup chunk.


Use epoxy

To use epoxy in your R Markdown document, create a new chunk using the engine of your choice. In that chunk, write in markdown, HTML, or LaTeX as needed, wrapping R expressions inside the delimiters for the epoxy chunk.

The average speed of the cars was **{mean(cars$speed)} mph.**
But on average the distance traveled was only _{mean(cars$dist)}_.

The average speed of the cars was **15.4 mph**. But on average the
distance traveled was only *42.98 ft*.

`epoxy` is built around `glue::glue()`, which evaluates the R
expressions in the `{ }` and inserts the results into the string. The
chunk above is equivalent to this call to `glue::glue()`:

``` r
glue::glue("The average speed of the cars was **{mean(cars$speed)} mph**.
But on average the distance traveled was only _{mean(cars$dist)} ft_.")
#> The average speed of the cars was **15.4 mph**.
#> But on average the distance traveled was only _42.98 ft_.

One immediate advantage of using epoxy instead of glue::glue() is that RStudio’s autocompletion feature works inside epoxy chunks! Typing cars$ in the chunk will suggest the columns of cars.

Learn more

There’s a whole lot more that epoxy can do! Learn more:

Code of Conduct

Please note that the epoxy project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.