gaelcolas / SampleModule

Sample module to experiment with build pipeline
MIT License
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Sample Module

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This project is a sample module to experiment with a PowerShell Build Pipeline and its various steps. It includes minumum component of a real module, but with minimum amount of code.


The goal is to have a sandbox to experiment with a PowerShell Module pipeline, develop re-usable steps in a maintainable, re-usable fashion.

Eventually, the aim is to extract this structure and the key re-usable files into a Plaster template.


Usage (intented)

.init.ps1 should be fairly static and do just enough to bootstrap any project, the rest of the environment initialization should be handled by dedicated modules such as PSDepend for installing required module/lib.

.build.ps1 is where most of the Build customization is done for the project. This is where the default task . is composed by importing required tasks exposed by different modules (i.e. BuildHelpers). The logic should be minimum: ordering/selecting tasks, so that this high level abstraction only gives the overview and the overridden parameter values.

Param (
    #Override the Parameter of every tasks using $BuildOutput (i.e. [QualityTests](.build/Pester/
    $BuildOutput = "$PSScriptRoot\BuildOutput"

#Import custom tasks
Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot/.build/" -Recurse -Include *.ps1 -Verbose |
    Foreach-Object {
        "Importing file $($_.BaseName)" 
        . $_.FullName 

#Compose pre-existing tasks in custom workflow
task .  ResolveDependencies,

Eventually, the composition should be DSL powered similar to what Brandon Padgett suggested:

#Rough idea, needs to play with...
# The idea is that the With could automatically resolve Module, 
#  with discoverable tasks and then auto-load the available parameters/DSL for that task.

BuildWorkflow SampleBuild {
    Task Init {
        With BuildHelpers {
            Task Clean

    Task Build {
        With PSDeploy {
            Task Deploy
            Tag Build
            StepVersion Minor
            DependingOn Init

    Task Test {
        Path "$ProjectRoot\Tests"
        DependingOn Build
    Task Publish {
        With PSDeploy {
            Tag Publish
            DependingOn Test