gaia-adm / gaia-account-management-server

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This app is build in NodeJS, with an Express-based api and a PostgreSQL database.

Setup for development

  1. Install PostgreSQL (the site was developed with 9.5, but anything >=9.1 should work)

    • you should use the gaia-account-management-db project for setting this up
  2. Install NodeJS, which includes the npm package manager.

  3. Install global dependencies. These can all be installed without the global option, but are easier to develop with when done globally. (Install at once: npm install -g knex mocha dredd aglio)

    1. npm install -g knex
      • Knex.js is a SQL query builder, with a CLI for database migration and seeding.
      • File locations
        • Environment config is located in knexfile.js
        • Migration files are located in ./migrations
        • Seed files are located in ./seeds
      • knex migrate:latest will update you to the current schema. Optionally, --env <env-name> will migrate the appropriate DB (defaults to development).
      • knex migrate:rollback rolls back the schema.
      • knex seed:run seeds the DB.
    2. npm install -g mocha
      • Mocha is a test framework. It is used to run the unit and functional tests.
    3. npm install -g dredd
      • Dredd is an API testing framework. It promotes definition-first API design.
      • File locations
        • Config is in ./dredd.yml
        • Hooks (extra test processing) are in ./dreddhooks.js
        • API description file is in ./api-blueprint/api-description.apib
      • dredd will run the tests according to the config file
      • dredd api-blueprint/api-description.apib http://localhost:3000 is an example of an explicit blueprint test against a specific URL
    4. npm install -g aglio
      • Aglio converts an API description document from markdown into a publishable doc.
      • aglio -i api-blueprint/api-description.apib -o api-blueprint/api.html
  4. Install project dependencies. These dependencies are specified in package.json, and will be installed at the project level:

    • npm install
  5. Configure your environment

    1. Copy ./.env.default to ./.env and set up appropriate variables
    2. If you choose to use the database named "hpe_account_management," create a DB of that name in your local PostgreSQL instance
    3. Copy ./client/.env.default to ./client/.env and set up appropriate variables

    • If you need to customize the invitation email:
    • ./views/invitation.pug is the template
    • ./routes/accounts has a method at the top called sendInvitation




Notes for developers

Demo Flow

  1. In the folder /seeds/production, the file 1_production.js lists the initial production seeding of the database. The site uses Google Sign-On (and eventually more... but right now just Google), so you'll want to seed the database with your own google email address (or addresses) to validate a variety of scenarios. That file identifies the following (where you are advised to change the values of the email addresses to see how the site responds to these four distinct levels of security)
    • Awesome Superuser (id:2, email:
    • Site Admin (id:3, email:
    • Account Admin (id:4, email:
    • Account Analyst (id:5,
  2. From the project root, run docker-compose up
  3. Internally, docker-compose will have created
    • a database at :5432
    • a server at :3000
    • a client at :8080
  4. Externally, the client is exposed at :8080, so after your app is running, go here.
  5. Sign in with your superuser email to have full access to the site
  6. After signing in, across the top of the app you will see HOME, ACCOUNTS, and USERS, along with a "Log Out" link.
  7. USERS is only available to a superuser. It will display a list of existing users, and allow an admin to create a new user without tying that user to a specific account. This is useful for assigning multiple email addresses to the same user.
  8. ACCOUNTS is available to a superuser, site admin, and account admin (limited). With a seeded production database, only users are created by default. So it is up to a superuser or site admin to create a new account. At this time, go ahead and Create an account
  9. After creating an account, click the account name to view/edit its details. In this interface, you will usually see a list of users, and have the ability to invite additional users (by email address) to the account. At this time, go ahead and Invite a user using an email address that you own.
  10. Follow the link in the email you will receive, and accept the invitation.
  11. When you return to ACCOUNTS > EDIT ACCOUNT, you will see the user listed.
  12. Log out, and sign in as the new user. Depending on the permissions granted, as well as the isSuperuser and isSiteAdmin flags previously set on that user account, the user may be able to access the admin interface.