gaiin-platform / amplify-genai-backend

MIT License
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This repository serves as a Mono Repo for managing all Amplify Lambda functions. It is part of a larger deployment for Amplify GenAI which can be found at

Setup Requirements

Initial setup requires the creation of a /var directory at the root level of the repository. The environment-specific variables should be placed in the following files within the /var directory:


Variables should be configured inside your amplify-genai-backend/<environment>/<environment>-var.yml file. Comments are provided in dev-var.yml-example for each variable.

Deployment Process

Deploying All Services From the Repository Root

To deploy a service directly from the root of the repository, use the command structure below, replacing service-name with your specific service name and stage with the appropriate deployment stage ('dev', 'staging', 'prod'):

serverless service-name:deploy --stage <stage>

Example Deploying a Specific Service

serverless amplify-lambda:deploy --stage dev

Deploying from the Service Directory

Because we are using serverless-compose to import variables across services, you have to deploy from the root of the repo or you could have issues resolving variables within the application

Installing Dependencies

  1. Navigate to each cloned directory and install the Node.js dependencies:
cd amplify-genai-backend
npm i
cd ../amplify
npm i

Running lambda-js Locally

To run lambda-js with localServer.js:

  1. Navigate to the amplify-lambda-js directory:
cd amplify-lambda-js/
  1. Install the dependencies if you haven't already:
npm i
  1. Ensure AWS credentials are located in ~/.aws/credentials and AWS_PROFILE env var matches

  2. Run the local server from root:

node amplify-lambda-js/local/localServer.js

Running Lambda with Serverless Offline

Install Serverless

First, install Serverless globally:

npm install -g serverless

Then, install the necessary Serverless plugins:

npm install --save-dev @serverless/compose

npm install --save-dev serverless-offline

sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements

After navigating to the amplify-lambda directory, install any additional dependencies:

npm i

Run Serverless Offline

You can run Serverless offline for amplify-lambda using one of the following methods, where corresponds to the appropriate deployment stage ('dev', 'staging', 'prod'):

  1. Directly from the repository root directory:
serverless amplify-lambda:offline --httpPort 3015 --stage <stage> 
  1. By navigating to the amplify-lambda directory:
cd amplify-lambda
serverless offline --httpPort 3015 --stage <stage>

Running Amplify

To have Amplify running and pointed to your local lambda versions, follow these steps:

  1. Add the necessary variables to your .env.local file:
  1. Start the development server:
npm run dev
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the application.