gajoseph / purge

Purge data from db based on datafield(createdDate/ lastupdatedate)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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This program automatically purges(or deletes) data in a database.The purge is done based on how old the data is. Retention of data is based on conditions applied to last updated date or the last modified data field/column in given table. When a row in a table meets the condition then it is selected for deletion. After that other rules are applied before it is finally deleted from the table.

  1. To apply the condition set the propertyALL.TAB.FIELD; for example ALL.TAB.FIELD=updt_timestmp means all the table has an updt_timestmp and
    ALL.TAB.FIELD.COMP.OPR=<=` and all rows with update_timestmp <=2018-04-22 are ready to be deleted.
  2. To skip table/s starting w/ or ending w/ or containing ketword can be implemented using the following properties in the property file
  3. To skip a list of tables by name; add the list to the below property
  4. To specify custom filters for some/ all tables; provide the file that contain the filters
    CUSTOM.TAB.FILTER.FILE.NAME= `path_to_filenamethatcontainscustomerfiltersforatable`
        example: tab3,updt_timestmp,2018-04-19,AND 1<>1 
        in above example for table tba3 use field name updt_timestmp to filter the data and apply the and condition 
  5. To sepcify custom join for tables
    CUSTOM.TAB.JOIN.FILE.NAME= `path_to_fileContainingcustomjoins`
        example: tab5,tab2col1,tab2,tab2col1 **column tab2col1 in tab5 is joined to tab2col2 in tab2**

    How the program works is as follows

In the above picture the tables can be broadly classified as level0,1 2..Leveln tables where level 0 being the top level table meaning these are not dependant on any other table and level 1 the next child of level 0 table and so on.Listed below are tables by their levels

Level 0 table are: tab1 
Level 1 child tables are: tab12, tab2, tab3
Level 2 child table/s are: tab4 Child of (tab3, tab2)
  1. Program deletes the rows in a table in batches. Batch size is set using the property ALL.TAB.BATCH.SIZE. The program takes all eligible rows from tab1, in this case top level parent; and fetches only {n} of rows sepcified in property ALL.TAB.BATCH.SIZE=10
  2. Then, associated rows from child tables are pulled for example (tab1.col1 = tab12.tab1col1) or (tab12.tab1col1 is null or updatedatetime <= {ALL.TAB.FIELD.VALUE=}2018-04-22; and continues until it covers all the child tables;
  3. If child rows are not eligible to delete; process will recursively update all associated parent rows and set the status as not deletable; this is the upward process
  4. Once all the eligible rows are collected; its starts deleting from bottom level up to top level-- it also check if the child rows can be deleted based on a linked to parent key id.
  5. The deletes are executed by spinning up threads from a thread pool of 3 – is configurable. not done
  6. Once the 1st batch of data is deleted; program repeats steps {1..4} in the next batch/s untill all the eligible rows are deleted.

Test case::

1) if a row in tab12 is updated w/ today's date its parent row in tab1 can’t be deleted; 2) tab1's child rows in tab2 and tab3 can't be also deleted 3) if one child row is not deleted able then the common parent can’t be deleted 4) Also, tab4 has 2 parent tables; a row in tab4 that has a parent row in tab2 and can't be deleted; then the other parent ie tab3 row cannot be also deleted; 5) Also, all the rows in the parent tables that is all the way to the top level 0 parent can't be deleted and all the child rows associated w/ each parent row cannot be deleted as well.