gajosu / ha-whatsapp-web-rest-api

A wrapper for the whatsapp-web.js library. It allows you to send and receive messages from WhatsApp using a REST API.
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 10 forks source link

Home Assistant Whatsapp web api rest

A WhatsApp Http API Rest for NodeJS and integrated with Home Assistant

Supports aarch64 Architecture Supports amd64 Architecture Supports armhf Architecture Supports armv7 Architecture Supports i386 Architecture

Content Table

What is this app?

This app is a wrapper for the whatsapp-web.js library. It allows you to send and receive messages from WhatsApp using a REST API.

Installation for Supervisor users

You can install this add-on from the Supervisor Add-on Store.

Home Assistant

Installation for Docker users

You can run this add-on on your own Docker host. You need to have Docker installed on your host.

You need define the following environment variables:

Docker-compose example:

    container_name: whatsapp 
    hostname: whatsapp 
        - HA_BASE_URL=http://<ip>:8123 
        - SUPERVISOR_TOKEN=<long-lived-access-token>
    restart: always 
        # define volume for the session file
        - ./data:/data
        - "3000:3000"

How to get a User ID

The user id is made from three parts:

So, if you want to send a message to a user with number 123456789 and country code 34, the user id will be (the part is static)

Api documentation



Get Chats

Return a list of chats

GET /api/chats

Response: 200

    "id": {
      "server": "",
      "user": "123456789",
      "_serialized": ""
    "name": "Jhon",
    "isGroup": false,
    "isReadOnly": false,
    "unreadCount": 0,
    "timestamp": 1669914773,
    "pinned": false,
    "isMuted": false,
    "muteExpiration": 0


Delete Chat

DELETE /api/chats/{id}

Response: 204 No Content

Archive Chat

PUT /api/chats/{id}/archive

Response: 204 No Content

Unarchive Chat

PUT /api/chats/{id}/archive

Response: 204 No Content

Pin Chat

PUT /api/chats/{id}/pin

Response: 204 No Content

Unpin Chat

PUT /api/chats/{id}/unpin

Response: 204 No Content

Mark Chat as Read

PUT /api/chats/{id}/mark-as-read

Response: 204 No Content

Mark Chat as Unread

PUT /api/chats/{id}/mark-as-unread

Response: 204 No Content

Send typing status

PUT /api/chats/{id}/send-typing

Response: 204 No Content

Send recording status

PUT /api/chats/{id}/send-recording

Response: 204 No Content

Clear typing or recording state

PUT /api/chats/{id}/clear-state

Response: 204 No Content


Get Messages

GET /api/chats/{id}/messages


Response: 200

    "id": {
      "fromMe": true,
      "remote": "",
      "id": "132E527E5E536E",
      "_serialized": "true_123456789@c.us_132E527E5E536E"
    "ack": 3,
    "hasMedia": false,
    "body": "Hello",
    "type": "chat",
    "timestamp": 1669914773,
    "from": "",
    "to": "",
    "deviceType": "web",
    "isForwarded": false,
    "forwardingScore": 0,
    "isStatus": false,
    "isStarred": false,
    "fromMe": true,
    "hasQuotedMsg": false,
    "vCards": [],
    "mentionedIds": [],
    "isGif": false,
    "isEphemeral": false,
    "links": []


Get Message by ID

GET /api/chats/{id}/messages/{messageId}

Response: 200

    "id": {
      "fromMe": true,
      "remote": "",
      "id": "132E527E5E536E",
      "_serialized": "true_123456789@c.us_132E527E5E536E"
    "ack": 3,
    "hasMedia": false,
    "body": "Hello",
    "type": "chat",
    "timestamp": 1669914773,
    "from": "",
    "to": "",
    "deviceType": "web",
    "isForwarded": false,
    "forwardingScore": 0,
    "isStatus": false,
    "isStarred": false,
    "fromMe": true,
    "hasQuotedMsg": false,
    "vCards": [],
    "mentionedIds": [],
    "isGif": false,
    "isEphemeral": false,
    "links": []

Send Message

You can send a message to a user or a group

you can also send additional options, see the all options in the official documentation here

Send text message

POST /api/chats/{id}/messages

Request Body:

    "msg": "Hello world",

Send media message

You can send images, audios and documents.

POST /api/chats/{id}/messages

Request Body:

    "url": "",
    "options": {
        "caption": "Google logo",
        "sendMediaAsDocument": true

Star Message

PUT /api/chats/{id}/messages/{messageId}/star

Response: 204 No Content

Unstar Message

PUT /api/chats/{id}/messages/{messageId}/unstar

Response: 204 No Content

React to Message

PUT /api/chats/{id}/messages/{messageId}/react

Request Body:

  "reaction": "❤️"

Response: 204 No Content

Unreact to Message

PUT /api/chats/{id}/messages/{messageId}/unreact

Response: 204 No Content

Download Message Media

GET /api/chats/{id}/messages/{messageId}/download-media

Response: 200 with the media file as attachment

Delete Message

Delete a message for everyone in the chat

DELETE /api/chats/{id}/messages/{messageId} Response: 204 No Content


Create a group

POST /api/chats/groups

Request Body:

  "name": "Group Name",
  "participants": [

Response: 201 Created

  "gid" : "",
   /** participants that were not added to the group. 
    * Keys represent the ID for participant that was not added and its value is a status code
    * that represents the reason why participant could not be added. */
  "missingParticipants": []

Get Group Info

GET /api/chats/groups/{id}

Response: 200

  "groupMetadata": {
    "id": {
      "server": "",
      "user": "123456789",
      "_serialized": ""
    "creation": 1669762493,
    "owner": {
      "server": "",
      "user": "123456789",
      "_serialized": ""
    "subject": "My group",
    "subjectTime": 1669762493,
    "descTime": 0,
    "restrict": false,
    "announce": false,
    "noFrequentlyForwarded": false,
    "ephemeralDuration": 0,
    "membershipApprovalMode": false,
    "size": 2,
    "support": false,
    "suspended": false,
    "terminated": false,
    "uniqueShortNameMap": {},
    "isParentGroup": false,
    "isParentGroupClosed": false,
    "defaultSubgroup": false,
    "lastActivityTimestamp": 0,
    "lastSeenActivityTimestamp": 0,
    "incognito": false,
    "participants": [
        "id": {
          "server": "",
          "user": "123456789",
          "_serialized": ""
        "isAdmin": true,
        "isSuperAdmin": false
        "id": {
          "server": "",
          "user": "987654321",
          "_serialized": ""
        "isAdmin": false,
        "isSuperAdmin": false
    "pendingParticipants": [],
    "pastParticipants": [
        "id": {
          "server": "",
          "user": "1234",
          "_serialized": ""
        "leaveTs": 1669765815,
        "leaveReason": "Left"
    "membershipApprovalRequests": []
  "id": {
    "server": "",
    "user": "123456789",
    "_serialized": ""
  "name": "My Group",
  "isGroup": true,
  "isReadOnly": false,
  "unreadCount": 0,
  "timestamp": 1669762493,
  "pinned": false,
  "isMuted": false,
  "muteExpiration": 0

Update Group Info

PUT /api/chats/groups/{id}

Request Body:

  "name": "New Group Name",
  "description": "New Group Description",

Response: 204 No Content

Get invite code

GET /api/chats/groups/{id}/invite-code

Response: 200

  "code": "1d243d3d3d3",
  "url": ""

Revoke invite code

Revoke the invite code for the group, so that it can't be used anymore

DELETE /api/chats/groups/{id}/invite-code

Response: 204 No Content

Accept invite code

Accept an invite code for a group

POST /api/chats/groups/accept-invite/{code}

Response: 200

  "groupId": ""

Add participants to group

Add 1 or more participants to a group

POST /api/chats/groups/{id}/participants

Request Body:

  "participants": [

Response: 204 No Content

Remove participants from group

Remove 1 or more participants from a group

DELETE /api/chats/groups/{id}/participants

Request Body:

  "participants": [

Response: 204 No Content

Promote participants

Promote 1 or more participants to admin in a group

PUT /api/chats/groups/{id}/promote

Request Body:

  "participants": [

Response: 204 No Content

Demote participants

Demote 1 or more participants from admin in a group

PUT /api/chats/groups/{id}/demote

Request Body:

  "participants": [

Response: 204 No Content

Leave group

DELETE /api/chats/groups/{id}

Response: 204 No Content


Get contacts

GET /api/contacts

Response: 200

    "id": {
      "server": "",
      "user": "123456789",
      "_serialized": ""
    "number": null,
    "isBusiness": false,
    "isEnterprise": false,
    "labels": [],
    "name": "Jhon",
    "type": "in",
    "isMe": false,
    "isUser": false,
    "isGroup": true,
    "isWAContact": false,
    "isMyContact": false,
    "isBlocked": false
    "id": {
      "server": "",
      "user": "11111111",
      "_serialized": ""
    "number": "11111111",
    "isBusiness": false,
    "isEnterprise": false,
    "labels": [],
    "name": "Jhon Doe",
    "shortName": "Jhon",
    "type": "in",
    "verifiedLevel": 0,
    "verifiedName": "Jhon Doe",
    "isMe": false,
    "isUser": true,
    "isGroup": false,
    "isWAContact": true,
    "isMyContact": true,
    "isBlocked": false

Get contact

GET /api/contacts/{id}

  "id": {
    "server": "",
    "user": "123456789",
    "_serialized": ""
  "number": null,
  "isBusiness": false,
  "isEnterprise": false,
  "labels": [],
  "name": "Jhon",
  "type": "in",
  "isMe": false,
  "isUser": false,
  "isGroup": true,
  "isWAContact": false,
  "isMyContact": false,
  "isBlocked": false

Block contact

POST /api/contacts/{id}/block

Response: 204 No Content

Unblock contact

PUT /api/contacts/{id}/unblock

Response: 204 No Content

Get common groups

GET /api/contacts/{id}/common-groups

Response: 200

    "id": {
      "server": "",
      "user": "123456789",
      "_serialized": ""


Send Available Presence

send available presence to all contacts

PUT /api/me/available

Response: 204 No Content

Send unavailable presence

send unavailable presence to all contacts

PUT /api/me/unavailable

Response: 204 No Content

Update Display Name

PUT /api/me/display-name

Request Body:

  "name": "New Display Name"

Response: 204 No Content

Update Text Status

PUT /api/me/text-status

Request Body:

  "text": "New Text Status"

Response: 204 No Content

WhatsApp Status

Get Status

Returns the whatsapp status of the user

GET /api/status

Response: 200

  "status": "CONNECTED",

Reciving messages in HA

The add-on will send events to Home Assistant when a message is received.


Event Description Data
whatsapp_authenticated Triggered when the connection is authenticated. None
whatsapp_disconnected Triggered when the connection is disconnected. None
whatsapp_message_received Triggered when a message is received. { Message Schema }
whatsapp_message_sent Triggered when a message is sent. { Message Schema }
whatsapp_message_ack Triggered when a message is acknowledged. { message: Message Schema, ack : Ack Schema }
whatsapp_message_revoke_for_everyone Triggered when a message is revoked for everyone. { message: Message Schema, revokedMessage: Message Schema}
whatsapp_message_revoke_for_me Triggered when a message is revoked for you. { message: Message Schema}
whatsapp_message_group_join Triggered when a user joins a group. { GroupNotification Schema }
whatsapp_message_group_leave Triggered when a user leaves a group. { GroupNotification Schema }
whatsapp_message_group_update Triggered when a group is updated, such as subject, description or picture. { GroupNotification Schema }
whatsapp_message_call Triggered when a call is received. { Call Schema }
whatsapp_state Triggered when the state of the connection changes. { state : WA State Schema Schema }
whatsapp_message_reaction Triggered when a message is reacted to. { MessageReaction Schema }


Message Schema

Key Description Type
ack Acknowledgement of the message. number
author Author of the message. string
body Body of the message. string
broadcast Whether the message is a broadcast. boolean
deviceType Device type of the message. string
duration Duration of the message in seconds. number
forwardingScore Indicates how many times the message was forwarded. The maximum value is 127.. number
from Sender of the message. string
fromMe Whether the message was sent by the user. boolean
hasMedia Whether the message has media. boolean
hasQuotedMsg Whether the message has a quoted message. boolean
id ID of the message. object
inviteV4 Invite V4 of the message. string
isEphemeral Whether the message is ephemeral. boolean
isForwarded Whether the message is forwarded. boolean
isGif Whether the message is a GIF. boolean
isStarred Whether the message is starred. boolean
isStatus Whether the message is a status. boolean
links Links in the message. Array of {link: string, isSuspicious: boolean}
to Recipient of the message. string
type Type of the message. MessageTypes

For more information about the message schema, see the Message class.

Ack Schema (ENUM)

Name Description Type
ACK_ERROR Error. string
ACK_PENDING Pending. string
ACK_SERVER Message received by the server. string
ACK_DEVICE Message received by the device. string
ACK_READ Message read by the recipient. string
ACK_PLAYED Message played by the recipient. string

WA State Schema (ENUM)

Name Description Type
CONFLICT Connection conflict. string
CONNECTED Connected to WA servers. string
DEPRECATED_VERSION Deprecated version. string
OPENING Opening connection. string
PAIRING Pairing. string
SMB_TOS_BLOCK SMB TOS block. string
TIMEOUT Connection timeout. string
TOS_BLOCK TOS block. string
UNLAUNCHED Unlaunched. string
UNPAIRED Unpaired. string
UNPAIRED_IDLE Unpaired idle. string

GroupNotification Schema

Field Type Description
id object The id of the group.
author string The ContactId of the author.
body string The body of the message.
chatId string The id of the chat.
recipientIds string[] The ContactIds of the recipients.
timestamp number The timestamp of the message.
type enum('add', 'invite',, 'remove', 'leave', 'subject', 'description', 'picture', 'announce', 'restrict') The type of the group notification.

Call Schema

Field Type Description
id string The id of the call.
from string The ContactId of the caller.
timestamp number The timestamp of the call.
isVideo boolean Whether the call is a video call.
isGroup boolean Whether the call is a group call.
canHandleLocally boolean Whether the call can be handled in waweb
webClientShouldHandle boolean Whether the call should be handled in waweb
participants object The participants of the call.

MessageReaction Schema

Field Type Description
id object The id of the message.
orphan number A number representing the orphan status of the reaction..
orphanReason string A string describing the reason for the orphan status
timestamp number The timestamp of the reaction.
reaction string The reaction.
read boolean Whether the reaction has been read.
msgId object The id of the message.
senderId string The ContactId of the sender.
ack number The ack status of the reaction.

More details

For more details about the API, see the documentation of the underlying library.


If you have any questions, please open an issue on the gajosu/whatsapp-web-rest-api repository.


If you want to contribute to this add-on, please open a pull request on the gajosu/whatsapp-web-rest-api



This project is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with WhatsApp or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official WhatsApp website can be found at "WhatsApp" as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.