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Refactoring: Only load the auth store in the API server rather than the framework #1864

Closed eamansour closed 3 weeks ago

eamansour commented 1 month ago


As a Galasa ecosystem user, I want to only load the auth store in the API server, so that I avoid the added overhead of loading the auth store in ecosystem test pods.


We've recently discovered a need for having a separate API framework to load bundles (like the auth store) only required by the API server. Currently, the auth store is loaded in the core framework if the property is set, which means it gets loaded in test pods and test pods don't need to use the auth store.

The new API server equivalent of the framework initialisation should handle the registration of API server-specific services, and will likely need a new bootstrap property similar to the framework.extra.bundles property but for loading bundles specific to the API server. Something like api.extra.bundles?
