galasa-dev / projectmanagement

Project Management repo for Issues and ZenHub
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Project Management

This repository contains issues that have been raised for Galasa. These issues might be about bugs, enhancements, or requests. If you find a bug whilst you are using Galasa, hit an error, or think of a change or enhancement you'd like to see, check this repository to see if there's a similar issue already raised. If you find one, feel free to add more information. If there isn't a similar issue listed, then feel free to create one! Find out how in the Contributing to Galasa guidelines.


More information can be found on the Galasa Homepage. Post any of your questions about Galasa on the Galasa Slack channel - just register to join.

Where can I get the latest release?

Find out how to install the Galasa Eclipse plug-in from our Installing the Galasa plug-in documentation.

Other Galasa repositories are available on GitHub.