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invalid openapi.yaml warnings in CLI build #1869

Closed techcobweb closed 3 weeks ago

techcobweb commented 1 month ago


Running --delta on the CLI repository is complaining about errors in the openapi.yaml schema.

Generate the openapi client go code...
[main] ERROR o.o.codegen.InlineModelResolver - Illegal schema found with $ref combined with other properties, no properties should be defined alongside a $ref:
 class ObjectSchema {
    class Schema {
        type: object
        format: null
        $ref: #/components/schemas/User
        description: null
        title: null
        multipleOf: null
        maximum: null
        exclusiveMaximum: null
        minimum: null
        exclusiveMinimum: null
        maxLength: null
        minLength: null
        pattern: null
        maxItems: null
        minItems: null
        uniqueItems: null
        maxProperties: null
        minProperties: null
        required: null
        not: null
        properties: null
        additionalProperties: null
        nullable: null
        readOnly: null
        writeOnly: null
        example: null
        externalDocs: null
        deprecated: null
        discriminator: null
        xml: null
[main] ERROR o.o.codegen.InlineModelResolver - Illegal schema found with $ref combined with other properties, no properties should be defined alongside a $ref:
 class ObjectSchema {
    class Schema {
        type: object
        format: null
        $ref: #/components/schemas/User
        description: null
        title: null
        multipleOf: null
        maximum: null
        exclusiveMaximum: null
        minimum: null
        exclusiveMinimum: null
        maxLength: null
        minLength: null
        pattern: null
        maxItems: null
        minItems: null
        uniqueItems: null
        maxProperties: null
        minProperties: null
        required: null
        not: null
        properties: null
        additionalProperties: null
        nullable: null
        readOnly: null
        writeOnly: null
        example: null
        externalDocs: null
        deprecated: null
        discriminator: null
        xml: null
✔ Code generation OK
techcobweb commented 1 month ago

@FYI holly. I assigned this to you and added it for this iteration.